Round 5

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    SO far, we have had galaxy fuinds overflow, negative scores, the end of an official round, been hacked, been DoS-attacked (abot 1000 machines out there attacking us), me and my wife had an aniversary, still not gotten paid and Vish has been ill all week...... How the heck was your week? (-: -- Spinner (September 09, 2001)

Round 5 is notable as the first round that was pay-to-play. As such, it saw a dramatic cut in planet numbers, from around 200,000 to about 20,000. This number fell even further in subsequent rounds.

The round began as a contest between nocex and WTFLE, but nocex was defeated in record time, leaving the remaining five alliances with little to do. BlueTuba folded, while Fury and Legion cross-roided eachother's allies (Fury hitting Elysium and Legion hitting Wolfpack). Round 5 was considered by many to be a weak round.

Round5 history

The oppositions were clear from the beginning: NoCex & GMT vs WTF & VE. On the paper it looked like a setup for a nice round. Pitifully it did not work out that way. Almost all Coordinates of NoCex/GMT were made public, all participating Alliances tagged [NP]. After a few days it became obvious that the war was lost for them, their galaxies dropped in score and size and out of the ranking list, the cooperation between those alliances first crumbled and then was destroyed totally. The war was lost pretty fast. The reasons for this were the member coordinate lists being made public, boredom grew and some ToT members found something was lacking. Fury and Legion tried to revive the suspense by declaring wars. Fury against Elysium, Legion against Ni! and WPO, but i doubt that this was of any use.

Round 5 was a very succesful round for ToT. Because we tagged ToT immediately after NP tagged, we became well known in the universe. Some members feared that this early tagging would get us additional incomings, but their fears amounted to nothing. In fact almost all ToT galaxies were in top 250 at end of round 5, some members achieved Top 100 spots in players rankings. The tot High Command is very proud with that result and our members. We are looking forward to top that in round 6. We have maintained our old alliances and also formed new alliances for that purpose which will be valid in round 6. --[ToT]Marduk


Problems delayed the signups and beginning of R5 in general.