Round 5:Sigh

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Sigh, and more was to come!!! - spinner (Sunday, September 09, 2001)

SO far, we have had galaxy fuinds overflow, negative scores, the end of an official round, been hacked, been DoS-attacked (abot 1000 machines out there attacking us), me and my wife had an aniversary, still not gotten paid and Vish has been ill all week...... How the heck was your week? (-:

Indeed, our system was hacked, well, not entirely, but by getting hold of our passwords from ages back, someone was able to sneak into our machines and play around a little. The matter has been resolved properly and we are upping the security level several notches before round 5 will start, and we have some good "hackers" helping us secure things tight and good.

We're also seeing some illness among us, which will definately cause delays in development of the crucial development of round 5, and has already caused me to loose much focus in the Beta. To all you testers helping out, I am very sorry, this was very unfortunate timing of things. Always is mad close to reset, but surely hackers and DoS-attacks and illness at the same time is too much even for us (-:

Hang in there, we are trying as good as we can, and an offical date for round 5 shouldnt be too far away.

Just to remind everyone how things will happen: We will have one more Havoc Donation it seems, then we let the round just go on by itself with litle support until we are getting ready. Then we take it all down, you wil be notified at least 24 hours in advance. Then we stay down, reinstall everything on all machines, upgrading security several notches and get the final things in place. Then , we open up round 5.

When we are good and ready for it......

Its coming, its just taking its time (-: