Round 3,

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Session Start: Fri Mar 05 23:14:17 1999
[23:14] *** Now talking in #pacrew
[23:14] *** Topic is 'Jakey/anyone: Can we get a log from creators session up on portal, please?'
[23:14] *** Set by Messiah on Mon Apr 02 15:24:03
[23:14] *** P sets mode: +o Jakey_coding
[23:21] *** Retrieving #pacrew info...
[23:21] *** Jakey_coding changes topic to 'New Creator's Hour log up'
[23:49] <ViaraiX> i got me PS2
[23:49] <Jakey_coding> Yay!!
[00:05] <Zeus> btw make sure you shout and scream about it!!!
[00:05] <Zeus> everywhere!
[00:05] <Zeus> reasure some people at least
[00:05] <Zeus> did you get your prepaid envelope and cashback voucher?
[00:08] <Zeus> guess whats ViaraiX is doing?
[00:08] <Jakey_coding> what?
[00:08] <Zeus> ps2
[00:09] <Jakey_coding> lol!!
[00:09] <Zeus> like a fecking child at xmas:)
[00:09] * Zeus is jelious
[00:09] <Jakey_coding> lol
[00:27] <ViaraiX> lol
[00:27] <Zeus> well ?
[00:27] <Zeus> <Zeus> btw make sure you shout and scream about it!!!
[00:27] <Zeus> <Zeus> everywhere!
[00:27] <Zeus> <Zeus> reasure some people at least
[00:27] <Zeus> <Zeus> did you get your prepaid envelope and cashback voucher?
[00:28] <ViaraiX> [13:15] <Zeus> <Zeus> did you get your prepaid envelope and cashback voucher? <- yeh
[00:29] <ViaraiX> and i have been shouting about it
[00:29] <ViaraiX> i like Kriss' reply to my post in politics lol
[00:29] <ViaraiX> S'funny really..u spent ages waiting for your PS2, u finally get it and what do u do??? go back onto the forums...hehe..perhaps this game is rather addictive after all.
[00:29] * Oreo is very very VERY happy now
[00:30] <ViaraiX> urgh i need a game for it!
[00:33] <Zeus> ViaraiX: can you change tital of your post to theslammer ps2 here or somthing pls?
[00:33] <Zeus> title
[00:34] <Oreo> aye and where did you post?
[00:38] <Zeus>
[00:38] <Oreo> thanks
[00:38] <Oreo> I found it tho, when my head started working again
[00:39] <Zeus> lol
[00:47] <ViaraiX> Zeus
[00:47] <ViaraiX> cant change the title
[00:47] <Zeus> flippers
[00:48] <Zeus> nps. im sure word will spread
[00:48] <Denial> this multi is also attacking someone in my galaxy.. he has the name --Denial--
[00:48] <Denial> :((((
[00:48] <ViaraiX> Zeus
[00:48] <ViaraiX> put it in the motd then ;)
[00:57] <GoLdEnEyE> well until spinner removes the multi in Beta 3 more people are prevnted from testing
[00:58] <Idler> fs
[00:59] <Jakey_coding> Are there already multis in beta tests lol?
[01:01] <Denial> yes
[01:01] <Denial> i was removed from beta today
[01:01] <Denial> well my account on spinners website
[01:04] <Idler> ehrm?
[01:04] <Idler> whats going on with the beta?
[01:08] <VrX> they removed wolfbabes beta account as well
[01:08] <Zeus> cleanout
[01:09] <Idler> removing mine aswell? (since I havent had the time to test properly since reset..)
[01:09] <Denial> same here
[01:10] <Denial> beta is horrible to play really
[01:10] <Denial> unless you can work at it all the time..
[01:10] <VrX> yeh
[01:10] <Denial> and with all the TPE people getting the passwords and destroying everyone
[01:11] <Denial> Spinner has a huge fleet incoming as i speak from one of them
[01:11] <Denial> probably landed
[01:11] <Idler> yes
[01:11] <Idler> the TPE presence is annoying tbh.
[01:11] <Denial> so spinners testing fleet will be destroyed
[01:11] <Denial> thats why i don't play.. last time i played was when i was ill
[01:11] <Zeus> well only inactive being delted. one that dont discuss it.
[01:11] <Denial> and i could play all day
[01:12] *** P has quit IRC (
[01:12] <Denial> well i am not fussed about it
[01:12] <Denial> i don't play and i have my reasons
[01:13] <Zeus> you feel back to normal denial after mad weekender?:)
[01:13] <Denial> yes
[01:13] <Denial> pretty much
[01:13] * Zeus still bit tried:(
[01:13] <Zeus> was awesome though:)
[01:13] <Zeus> you enjoy?
[01:13] <Denial> i have been forced to goto bed early
[01:13] <Zeus> rofl
[01:14] <Denial> yes i did enjoy it
[01:14] <Denial> will be definatly going to the next one
[01:14] <Zeus> same here:)
[01:14] <Zeus> but bring puter next time to play
[01:14] <Denial> but still i am on a downer atm
[01:14] <Zeus> was fecking killing me watching you guys:(
[01:14] <Denial> i did let you use my comp whenever you wanted to
[01:15] <Zeus> yea..but you couldnt leave it for long:(
[01:15] * Scavenger is no longer away
[01:15] <Denial> heh
[01:15] <Zeus> :)
[01:15] <Zeus> but thanks!:)
[01:15] <Zeus> you give those t-shirts out?
[01:15] <Denial> yea
[01:15] <Zeus> kewlo
[01:15] <Denial> cubass, beefy and Equazor got one
[01:15] <Denial> and a few others did around there
[01:15] <Zeus> excellent:)
[01:16] <Denial> found my jacket
[01:16] <Zeus> you doing writeup about it like everyone else?
[01:16] <Zeus> really?
[01:16] <Zeus> where?
[01:16] <Denial> possibly
[01:16] <Denial> it was on the back of a chair that got moved quite far awa
[01:16] <Denial> y
[01:16] <Zeus> rofl
[01:16] <Zeus> I got a great pic of you sleeping:)
[01:17] <Denial> hmm
[01:17] <Zeus> hold both hands just llike a babe:)
[01:17] <Denial> :P
[01:17] <Denial> bugger
[01:17] <Denial> where was I?
[01:17] <Zeus> roflho:)
[01:17] <Zeus> sleeping under desk:)
[01:17] <Jakey_coding> lol
[01:17] <Denial> oh, you mean when i caught a few winks in the middle of the floor blocking people
[01:18] <Zeus> you workup....raised hand to keyboard to check planet and lay back down i think:)
[01:18] <Denial> heh
[01:18] <Idler> [15:04] <Zeus> I got a great pic of you sleeping:) <-- please share
[01:18] <Idler> now
[01:18] <Zeus> its in someone else hd:(
[01:18] <Idler> :(
[01:18] <Zeus> awaiting them emails
[01:18] <Denial> heh
[01:20] <Zeus> got a great one of all of you on steps outside
[01:20] * Zeus goes to look
[01:20] <Denial> when was that..
[01:20] <Zeus> shite
[01:20] <Zeus> you where in looking for jacket:(
[01:20] <Zeus> just before we left:(
[01:20] <Denial> ah
[01:20] <Denial> heh
[01:21] <Zeus> boastard!
[01:21] * Oreo is gone, gone to get food, and so is fudge
[01:21] <Zeus> got beffy & equator
[01:21] <Idler> I hope spinner will sleep inside the hall, I'll shall tie him to a pole and everyone can toss eggs etc. at him
[01:21] * Idler cant wait
[01:21] <Zeus> all the rest or LR
[01:21] <Zeus> lol
[01:22] <Denial> Idler.. i assume this means you are going to try to make it to i8
[01:22] <Zeus> snow etc..
[01:22] <Idler> yes
[01:22] <Denial> kewl
[01:22] <Idler> heh
[01:22] <Denial> me and snow didn't drink as much as i thought we would
[01:22] <Zeus> well ive yet to meet a pa players who said they didnt enjoy it
[01:23] <Zeus> so imho it worked
[01:23] <Denial> i shall be signing up as early as possible
[01:23] <Denial> as i think the places might go quickly
[01:23] <Zeus> will do:(
[01:24] <Idler> Zeus, a question, will 5th season pay for the bodyguards required to ensure my continued health if I put on the PACrew t-shirt while I'm at the gathering ?
[01:24] <Idler> possibly hire the A-team
[01:24] <Denial> heh
[01:24] <Zeus> lol
[01:25] <Idler> had some threats from rather nasty people, tuba members mostly
[01:25] <Idler> heh
[01:25] <Denial> i think you should be alright
[01:25] <Idler> probably
[01:25] <Denial> how you going to get your computer over?
[01:25] <Denial> courier?
[01:25] <Zeus> yea
[01:25] <Scavenger> Idler, who? =)
[01:25] <Zeus> or just bring laptop
[01:26] <Idler> if I'm going to i8 I'll bring my entire comp
[01:26] <Denial> if you want to play decent games bring your proper comp
[01:26] <Idler> 19" screen etc
[01:26] <Denial> mine is 19"
[01:26] <Zeus> lol
[01:26] <Denial> heavy
[01:26] <Idler> I've been to international lans before
[01:26] <Idler> playing gaming tournaments
[01:26] <Idler> q2
[01:26] <Zeus> some guy near feel down esclators with 17" monthiro:)
[01:26] <Denial> fk
[01:26] <Denial> didn't know anyone fell over
[01:26] <Denial> he fked it yea?
[01:26] <Zeus> was at top of esclators...and thankfully he fell back
[01:26] <Denial> lol
[01:26] <Zeus> but it was dragging him down..
[01:27] <Zeus> was so funny..
[01:27] <Idler> Zeus, a guy at last years gathering lost his entire comp down from a pickup truck
[01:27] <Denial> i didn't want to take the escalators with my monitor
[01:27] <Idler> screen, tower, everything
[01:27] <Zeus> ouch:(
[01:27] <Denial> my monitor would have seriously killed people if it went forwards
[01:27] <Zeus> parcel force broke monirtor and base unit of a guy from norhtern ireland.
[01:27] <Idler> mine weights about 35kg
[01:28] <Zeus> was in bit.
[01:28] <Zeus> had to rebuild 1st day they just to play and reinstall
[01:28] *** P ([email protected]) has joined #pacrew
[01:28] *** sets mode: +o P
[01:28] <Idler> hehe
[01:28] <Denial> don't know how much mine weighs
[01:28] <Denial> but it weighs more than DtK's
[01:28] * Zeus listens to tublarbells
[01:29] <Denial> and i had to carry DtK's cause he kept nearly dropping it
[01:31] <Denial> might even have a faster comp next time i go
[01:31] <Idler> I have a 600mhz and a 1.3ghz tbird
[01:31] <Denial> i will probably go silly and get 3 512 MB chips
[01:32] <Denial> i personally have a P2 350, P3 600, Celeron 400
[01:32] <Denial> GoLdEnEyE has an Althlon 1 Ghz
[01:32] *** VrX has quit IRC (Broken pipe)
[01:32] *** ViaraiX ([email protected]) has joined #pacrew
[01:32] <Denial> need a new processor soon..
[01:33] <Denial> hopefully my motherboard can hack a 1 ghz
[01:33] *** P sets mode: +o ViaraiX
[01:33] <Scavenger> hmm.. you'll only be able to use one from intel then.. poor you..
[01:33] <Denial> my Geforce 2 will hold up for a little while
[01:36] <Denial> lets see..
[01:37] <Denial> ah yes
[01:37] <Denial> my motherboard supports upto P3 1 Ghz
[01:45] *** Disconnected Session Close: Sat Mar 06 01:45:50 1999