Round 13:Name competition

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R13 Name Competition.

Despite there not being much information about Round 13 yet released, it is going to happen! As such we need a name, and therefore we will be running the customary name competition.

Here's how it works,

If you can think of a good name for Round 13 then all you need to do is e-mail it to [email protected] with the subject line "R13 name comp". Don't forget to include your nickname so we know who's submitted it. You can submit as many names as you want to, but the deadline is 23:59 GMT on Sunday 16th January.

The winner will not only get to see their name being used throughout the round, but will also recieve a free credit for the round. In the event of the winning name being submitted more than once, the first person to submit it will recieve the credit.

To inspire you here are the names of the previous rounds of Planetarion:

Round 1 - The Beginning

Round 2 - The Struggle for Power

Round 3 - The New Dawn

Round 4 - The Tides of War

Round 5 - The Price of Freedom

Round 6 - First Encounters

Round 7 - Critical Diplomacy

Round 8 - Final Legacy

Round 9 - Redemption

Round 10 - Genesis

Round 11 - A Legend Reborn

Round 12 - The Edge of Darkness