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Due Intruder's incistence, I'm Here to tell a bit of my PA history. I have started to play this game on Round 2 And left after Round 8. Came back a few times for check out and see whats goin on.. but eventually abandoned the game after round 11, i think.

At the begining... i joined an Alliance Called TE. You know.. they had a cool motto.. what could i do? "Honor is my Shield and The Empire is my Sword" Th wing was called 188th Imperial Fighthers i think.. you know.. noob bs. And i was a noob by that time. inside TE i knew many ppl. Like Wipeout, Rabaggast and others.

Round 3 came with a new breath. i was invited to join an alliance Called Eclipse ( not the new one ) that turned later on a freind's comunity called #Nebula. Well Eclipse was guided ( if my memory dont fuk me up ) Khaine and Gandalf, both RB members... Both Gandalf left pa after the RB boting scandal.. Khaine wasnt involved and stayed. At eclipse i knew some few other people.. like BoH, madgamer,

Round 4 Dont you love parallel's? me either.. i was in eclipse had some up and downs.. bashed by furgion. At the end of that round i started a new allie... called Brotherhood and released a big noob allie coordlist.. they later became Titans.. That was a mistake :P

Round 5 Nocex.. I think i was Xanadu. I was at the FNP Galaxy.. with all my luck.. With 2 Titans Gals... 2 VTS, 1Fury. Nocex has their cordlist published on sandman's website.. we had Wilzz in gal.. a VTS HC.. but that didint alloed us to secure our top5 rank. I joined Nordwind a BG, that became Silver Allie. But the 1/3 last part of that round silver came out and made a big mess... gartining us a great renow as a big allie.

Round 6 Xeta. Well Silver had a strong memberlist, but a small one. to be able to walk by his own legs Midgard decided to get the scum from Nosferato alliance.. We ended up with ThNecro and Sakera. Necro was a lovely abckstabber.. and Sakera by that time nothing more than a good techie. Xeta gor bashed again... round is over.

Round 7 I dont quite remmeber what happened here.

Round 8 I was with the Murederous Plush Toys galaxy.. that became a BG later. We were fighting for top 1.. when some XANADU Lead BC came to a decision that xanadu should sacrifce their 3 top 3 galaxies to counter attack. This placed me on a Difficult possion. By that time i was Ministry XO related to military, also i was responsable for teh consortium of this 3 top galaxies. From the galaxies reality it was impossible to counter those attacks without sacrifice 100% of their ships / roidcount ... From Xanadu side itw as utterly nescessary to do so. NTrabbit never was a good diplomat... and the dialogue became a fight before anyone could present their opninions. AFIK.. that was the end XANADU. At least.. as a strong n united force. teh only thing left was their name.

After this point.. i started toplay for fun.. and.. i dont quite remmber many facts.

Im pretty sure that i could name VARIOUS players and give em their propper credtitfor my PA life.. i just dont wanna forget anyone. so wont name any.

I would like to thank for the Brazillian PA Comunnity that was allways Small but united :)

Declan out.