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  • Full Name: Elysium
  • Short Name: Ely
  • Public IRC Channel: #elysium
  • Alliance motto: Do not be afraid, for you are already dead. R10 Home of your Roids.
  • Affectionate nickname:

Round 2: The Struggle for Power

Many alliances held the top spot. Among them was The Concordium, which took the lead after the fall of Blue Tuba. Also known by their tag WaC, many people felt that the Concordium would dominate the rest of the round.

However, The Concordium had grown out of control, and its core rotted. Over 800 people carried the tag at one point, and there was no enforcement of its use. The junior wing of the Concordium grew and maintained its cohesiveness. None of the junior members were allowed full membership in the mother alliance, the reason being fear of making the alliance grow too fast as it had done when BT was a threat. Alliances that had helped the Concordium beat down Blue Tuba now saw good targets hiding behind the ones feared tag. The High Council within WaC communicated little, and there was little cohesiveness between members. Many good members left for other alliances like Legion, BD, and Fury. Several wings within the Concordium split off establishing separate and independent alliances.

Concordium simply collapsed. Former allies and members like Fury and Legion attacked, and even WaCjr hit their own. The alliances formed from ex-concordium players, like Sedition and Lost (among others), became targets for the now steadily growing and established Legion and Fury.

"The mighty warriors gathered. Their origins from Concordium, hardened by the Flames of Acheron and brought in among the Gods. They became Elysium"

A small group of ex-concordium players got together and decided collaborate into the new round. Elysium was formed at the end of Round 2: The Struggle for Power, by this group. At that time, the alliance was little more than an idea and a message board. One galaxy, 27:22, got into the top 100 before the end of the round, only to be beaten down by the major powers, eventually finishing just out of the top 100 galaxies. Elysium would become a true establishment the next round.

Round 3: The New Dawn

Many people were drawn to Elysiumbecause of their developments. Elysium stood apart from many alliances for several reasons. First, they had their own IRC server. Second, they turned their website into a major Planetarion resource and information page, with links to many alliances and PA search vehicles. Lastly, the members continually worked to provide better features for the alliance and all of PA, such as the PA web browser, a specialised version of mIRC, advanced tactics and strategies, and the best battlecalc in the game.

In terms of play, Elysium was the most aggressive alliance of Round 3. They launched several assaults against the strongest planets and galaxies in the game. Synthetic_Sid's planet, Doog, was knocked out of the top ten planets of the round due to a last minute assault largely orchestrated by Elysium's members. These attacks proved costly, however. Elysium was specially marked by Fury and Legion, and were bullied by superior numbers and late-night attacks by the strongest planets in the game.

Rather than giving up, and dissolving, Elysium became stronger. Innovative and aggressive strategies, such as news screen flooding, asteroid banking, and defense tactics, were pioneered by Elysium during this period. The best killer fleet combination of the round, the battleship/ghost combo, was first suggested on the Elysium boards when the most influential people in Planetarion were thinking that the tarantula would be the best.

Round 4: The Tides of War

The Tides of War came, and with a large group of active, experienced players this would be the round where Elysium would prove to be an alliance of elite planet rulers! From round 3 Elysium brought what was left of the once so mighty ReBorn as allies, now renamed TRT! This friendship did not evolve as many had hoped, and did not benefit any of the parts. The alliance between Elysium and TRT dissolved, placing Elysium alone.

The Tides of War quickly turned out to be an unusual round alliance wise. Politics often took new turns, and several alliances played the political arena for what is was worth. Elysium stood more or less alone, and decided to show their new strength early, to create fear and hopefully relieve our planets from incoming hostile. The [Elysium] tag showed up on galaxiesall over the universe. Many doubted that tagging up so soon would be a wise decision, but it took off some of the pressure, and created a sense of Unity within the alliance.

An early alliance between NoS, Xanadu and VtS looked as to be dominating, but NoS broke out and left VtS and Xanadu alone. Into the warmth came the so far "loner" Elysium. A new triad formed by the initial letter of the alliances within it took form, VeX. When tagging, VeX dominated the top 100 and easily became the biggest power.

The Tides of War came. The biggest enemies of the new triad VeX, early turned out to be Fury and its allies WolfPack and BlueTuba. A major war developed, and late nights were not unusual. The enemies stronghold would get to feel the wrath of VeX, and major assaults on several galaxies, particularily in paralell 11, made a interesting period of the Round 4 history. Fury's leader, Synthetic_Sid once again felt the pain of losing his roids, when an attack orchestrated by Xanadu, but featuring huge numbers of Elysium and Legion fleets took his galaxy.

The war ended, with Elysium's enemies seeing Days of Defeat. The new powerful allies declaring war on VeX was to be Nos/Cell. The war would not involve Xanadu, due to political relations, so the real warfare would be between Legion and Elysium on one side, and NoS/[[Cell}} on the other. Massive attacks was launched from both sides, and in the first nights of the war, no real losses on either side. Then however, the new development showed that NoS and Cell could was unable to defend their galm8s. A few night came, where only the full members got defence, and later, rarely them either. Defence were at an all-time low. Fleets were out constantly on both sides, and the war would never come to and end. Due to the ships stats making it hard to destroy ships in Round 4, the war never got a clear outcome, and never really ended. VeX won most of the battles, but no significant losses on either side.

In the last week of the round, the top galaxy of 98% of round 4 "Camelot" suddenly was overrun by a Xanadu galaxy, makingNoS lose the last effort to "Win" the round. Elysium finished with a good average score, and accomplished what we set out to do, prove ourselves worthy!

Round 5: The Price for Freedom

The round began with Elysium entering the round allied with Legion, and napped with WPO, BlueTuba and Fury (the so called WTF). NoS, Cell and Xanadu (NoCeX) had upon news of VE/WTF nap found new allies. TSU, Mi, Templar, G-II would join their side in the fight. When cluster alliances began to take shape it seemed that the NoCeX side wasn’t that big after all. NoCeX had to hide in enemy cluster alliances, and when nightly raids came it seemed like NoCeX only had half of WTF/VE ‘s strength.

A few weeks into the war the final blow was given. NoCeX coords was revealed, and their morale broke. Alliance hoppers did their best to run while they had the chance. This caused many alliances to breake completely. All the alliances in NoCeX suffered a massive loss of members and command. Thoose who stayed was bashed long out of top250 and beyond. The WTF/VE triumph was total.When targets became smaller, boredom came. People screamed on the boards for action. A small alliance, hirr, declared war on Elysium. The first attack was a Legion planet with no Ely’s in it. But they soon learned and found Elysium targets. Their attacks was easily defended, and removed some boredom in the game.

Since many of those big tasty hirr planets was in Fury gals, the retals worried Fury’s leader Synthetic_Sid. He declared the end of nap, gave 24 hours notice and what was to come after, War! Right after the declaration, Legion contacted Elysium and informed about their intentions of not supporting their long lasted and trusted ally in favor for their nap. Elysium ended the alliance with Legion and gave them a nap until our future together would be decided by Elysium HC. Elysium now faced a strong, determined military machine with twice the members base.

The fighting began and Elysium soon had to face the fact. Elysium was outnumbered and trapped by Legion’s betrayal. In the end of the round Elysium ended their nap with Legion, it could never be what it was. The war did not cause our members to deflect, it rather made us more determined to revenge the betrayal. Elysium would remain strong, and even stronger in structure for the next round. Elysium went looking for trusted allies, and started talks with Xanadu and Silver. The results was a new triad.

Elysium enters round 6 allied with Silver, Xanadu and napped with TFD.

Round 6: First Encounters

Quite the fascinating round with XeTa vs WTF with FoS aiding both sides.

Round 7: Critical Diplomacy

Utterly crap round due massive powerblocking.

Round 8: The Final Legacy

Silent round for Elysium with a devastating R7 behind allied with Wolfpack alone to sail throughout the round without much to say. No big wins, no big losses.

Round 9: Redemption

WEET vs others. (W)E/ET in the end.

See also:

Round 9.5: Resurrection


Protected BG (lead by Krush) joined Elysium in preparations for R10.

Strategy discussion (applies to R9 as well, as stats were same?) :

Round 10: Genesis

First round of PaX; the new Planetarion. One of the toughest rounds in PA history. Elysium entered the round with Eclipse and ToT on its side against FAnG, Dragons (with ND, VisioN on their palms coupled with the few good Wolfpack players). EET block won the round. Elysium finished 1st.

A lot of unfortunate events happened during the round, which for example allowed creation of private galaxies on a random round by exiling in a certain manner. More bugs surfaced during the round. Multies were also caught (suprisingly) with FAnG's HC Irvine being busted with 20 or so accounts on his hands.

Round 10.5: The Awakening

Last round Elysium played. One of the worst rounds in PA. Outcome of the uneven blockwar (FAnG+Phraktos+MISTU vs Elysium+LCH+VisioN ?) was known before tickstart and the round to follow was misery for many.