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Lokken is an imp. He also can't coordinate an attack to save his life. But still, bless his little heart, he still keeps going.

After being a newbie in round 1, Lokken landed in round 2 with Patrician who was to be his long-term chum in Planetarion and joined the alliance BlueTuba. After watching his alliance get tanked in round 2, Lokken stepped up to rescuing the alliance from its bloated membership and it's resulting mass exodus by being invited to join the HC. Following assisting scything the membership down from 1000 members to under 100, he set up a junior wing of BlueTuba with DarkJedi called Sith in round 3 to harvest and train up new talent in an attempt to secure the future of BlueTuba throughout the course of round 3, helping to build the alliance on a solid defensive base with members who could endure weeks of incomings with character and distinction.

In round 4, he was one the major engineers of the SQRL pact involving BlueTuba and Fury members in parallel 7 involving the Se7eN parallel alliance based there with Zhil and Meth. This was an alliance based on obtaining security for Tuba and Fury members in that region of the universe, mainly founded on the basis of 25% of BlueTuba's membership being based there.

In round 5 he continued to run BlueTuba until their eventual dissolution due to the feeling that the alliance was becoming too regimented and losing it's unique character due to the intense blocking. Following this he spent a short stint in Legion, however finding the alliance not to his liking, he quickly left.

However, his relationship with the Tubas did not simply stop there. In round 6 in liege with Patrician and QueenDax he took several tuba members with him to form the alliance Deus Ex Machina who were founded on a basis to counter stagnation that had resulted from round 5 with Rob, AlbinoSqrl, Jester and Agamemnon. It is in round 6 where Lokken enjoyed his greatest success, helping to lead Deus as part of the FoS block to victory against the Fury based block (FLVT) and the Xanadu based block (Xeta).

From round 7 Lokken has taken a back seat from major work in alliances, content with being a member of Wrath in round 7 as part of the SQRL galaxy, a RaH member in round 9.5 after a late start. He has also played in rounds 11 and 12 as an Officer within ND, providing them with his experience. In round 12 he achieved his highest planet ranking, that being a mere 34th.

He sat out Round 13 for the most part, and in Round 14 returned to ND, as an advisor to the HC and has continued during Round 15.

He is currently the moderator for Alliance Discussions.

Round History

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