Round 3:End

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And so, it ends, but not quite..... by Spinner (Apr 2 2001 7:22PM)

The third round of Planetarion is officially over, and the winners have been sorted and so on. Singularity of Space Time Anomaly ended up with the highest score and his Galaxy ran off with the higest Galaxy Score as well. So to all of 20:24, well done!

The winners will be contacted regarding prizes, which they will be sent. No ETA on the sending just yet.

At this very time, we have prepared a few more days of fun before things die down....Every single planet have gotten a donation of: 100.000.000 metal, 50.000.000 crystal and 50.000.000 eonium for some totally unfair, totally fun, totally pointless hack and slash. Attack your brother, attack an alliance dude, anyone you want, go out there and make havoc! I know I will!

Now, as for when next round starts and more, right now, we are saying that registration for the next round will be on Tuesday April 17th, time still unknown. We have a lot to do before then, and all focus will be on next round now. Expect a poor email service from us now, as we simply dont have the time to read emails, much less reply to them.

Have fun in this crazy havoc time, it ought to be!

And stay tuned for information about the next round, here , on PlanetZone!

Finally, thank you for sticking with us, through server probs and all!