Songs:Dear Spinner

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Dear Spinner (Stan spoof)

My ping timed out, I wonder why I,
Came on the net at all.
The hostile fleets cloud up my news screen,
I just can't win at all.
Even if I make it through this attack,
Even more come every day,
And then you sign on, and it's not so bad, it's not so bad....

My ping timed out, I wonder why I,
Came on the net at all.
The hostile fleets cloud up my news screen,
I just can't win at all.
Even if I make it through this attack,
Even more come every day,
And then you sign on, and it's not so bad, it's not so bad....

Dear Spin,
I msg'd u but u still aint answered,
I left my email, co-ords and my nickname at the bottom
I sent 2 emails back in autumn, you must not have got 'em
There prob'ly was a problem with the mail servers or something,
Sometimes I type in addresses too quickly when I jot 'em,
But anyways, f*ck it, what's been up man, how's your planet?
I'm 'bout to sign up too, I'm 'bout to be a ruler,
If I get a planet, guess what I'm gon' call it? I'm gon' name it Spinner,
I heard about your World Cup servers too I'm sorry,
I had a friend quit playing over something that retarded.
I know you prob'ly hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan,
I even got your co-ords from when you went down to that LAN.
I got a file full of your news-scans and your co-ords man,
I liked your planet name in round 3 too, that was the best.
Anyways, I hope you get this mail, write me back,
Don't be shocked, truly yours, your biggest fan,
This is Okt.

My ping timed out, I wonder why I,
Came on the net at all.
The hostile fleets cloud up my news screen,
I just can't win at all.
Even if I make it through this attack,
Even more come every day,
And then you sign on, and it's not so bad, it's not so bad....

Dear Spin,
You still aint called or wrote, I hope this aint too late,
I aint mad, I just think it's messed up you don't PM your m8s.
If you didnt wanna talk to me inside #creators you didn't have to,
But you could have sent a friendly fleet to Matthew,
That's my "brother"'s planet man, it's only 6 days old,
We waited throught a blistering netsplit for you, for 4 hours and you just said no.
That's pretty s****y man, you're his favourite creator,
You could have saved his fleet and roids with only Vindicators.
I aint that mad tho, I just dont like being let down,
Remember when we met in #portal? You said if I mailed you you would write back
See I'm just like you in a way, I never wanted to sign up neither,
Til my sister started playing and I tried to beat her.
I can relate to all the crap that people say,
So when I have a crummy day I come online and try to play,
Cos I dont really have much else; my planet helps when I'm depressed,
I even got the t-shirt of the game accross my chest.
Sometimes I try to scan myself to see if I get through,
It's like a challenge, to see if I can still compare to you,
And everything you say is real, and I respect you cos you say it,
My girlfriend's left me cos I'm on the internet 24/7.
But she don't know what all of this is like - she don't play,
She doesn't know what PA's like when stuff around you's feeling grey,
You gotta mail me man, I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever drop,
Sincerely yours, Okt.
P.S. We should roid together too.

My ping timed out, I wonder why I,
Came on the net at all.
The hostile fleets cloud up my news screen,
I just can't win at all.
Even if I make it through this attack,
Even more come every day,
And then you sign on, and it's not so bad, it's not so bad....

Dear Mr. I Got Too Much Probs To Have The Time,
This'll be the last message that comes from Spinner Prime,
It's been 6 rounds and still no word, I don't deserve it?
I know you got the last two emails, I wrote the addresses on them perfect.
So here's my final log I'm sending you, I hope you hear it -
I'm going to Preferences now, I'm gonna set it for deletion.
Hey Spin, I'll send my fleet to roid you, dare me to try?
You know that q. in Creators Hour where I asked you all why
The manual was wrong, but yet you questioned it and doubted
I'd found it, then sent Fudge, and Fudge actually found it?
Thats kinda how this is, you could have rescued me from bashing,
Now it's too late, I lost a thousand metal roids and counting.
And all I needed were a couple ships to help defend,
I hope you know I'm taking with me all my friends.
I loved you Spin, you coulda roided with me, think about it!
You ruined it now, I hope your page crashes when I dream about it,
And when the ticks stop I hope you lose fleets and you scream about it,
And then the player base all realise they can't breathe without me!
See Spin - shut up Zues I'm trying to talk!
Hey Spin, I got my own server in the trunk,
But I didn't smash it up, I just unplugged it, I aint like you,
But if the memory's wiped or something more, it'll die too.
Well, here we go, I'm gonna pull the plug now,
But wait, I forgot - how am I supposed to send this log out?....

My ping timed out, I wonder why I,
Came on the net at all.
The hostile fleets cloud up my news screen,
I just can't win at all.
Even if I make it through this attack,
Even more come every day,
And then you sign on, and it's not so bad, it's not so bad....

Dear Okt,
I meant to write you sooner, I just aint been with it,
You said you got a planet now - how far along is it?
Look, I'm really flattered that you'd call your planet that,
And here's a T-shirt for your brother, for all those roids that he got capped.
I'm sorry I didn't see you in the hour, I must have missed you,
Don't think that I +m'd the chan intentionally just to diss you.
And what's this trip about you trying to get some sector scans through?
Thats just a waste of crystal man, just use your overview.
You got some issues man, you tell some pretty dumb lies,
So you can have a portal column job, we need some more demented guys,
And whats this stuff about us trying to roid together?
There's war going on right now, and we're on different sides t'each other.
I really think you and your Harpies need each other,
Or maybe you just need to defend better.
I hope you get to read this message,
I just hope it reaches you in time, before you kill your ships,
I think you'd be doing just fine if you attacked a little,
I'm glad I inspire you, but Okt, why are things so grey?
Try to understand, that we all want you to still play,
We're just trying to stop our business going bust,
Without the ever present threat of being hacked or being DoS'd
Or Oreo being drunk and throwing servers off a bridge,
Cos after every single day I gotta feed my wife and kids,
Now if you please excuse me cos its time for me to leave,
And by the way - you write again, I call police.