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Founded by Antigone to start a new Alliance in Round 20 as Opponent to Conspiracy Theory.

During Round 20 Destiny was temp allied with VGN, CT was napped with VsN/Orbit and VGN later. At the End of this Round Destiny/VGN dropped all Naps which resulted in a Playoff Week between the Top Contenders CT/VGN and Destiny as the Top3 were very close at this Stage. While CT still had their agreements with VsN/Orbit they managed to keep a small lead to Destiny while they striked on gosu who faced heavy valuelosses on a Fleetcatch at Destinys Top Planet Caj in the last Week.

Destiny finished R20 with most Top100 Planets (16) as #2 close to Conspiracy Theory.

Key Staff was:

Antigone (Founder/Politics)
Caj (Military)
Teddy_Bear (Military)
Cowmando (Defence)
Mista (Defence)
Pathogen (Intel)
Bronto (CO-Exec)