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  • Full Name: Xanadu
  • Short Name: Xan
  • Public IRC Channel: #xanadu
  • Alliance motto: We retaliate on our enemies
  • Affectionate nickname:
  • Website: www.xanadu-community.com
  • IRC server: irc.xanadu-community.com

General Info

Xanadu originally started out as an online gaming group, who were particularly active in the Half-Life mod CounterStrike. The group was founded by Weezer and Rashim. Unlike many CS groups, Xanadu did not consider itself to be a clan, but a team instead. The ideals were to simply enjoy the gaming experience without being disrespectful to anyone. Xanadu continues to be an online gaming community. Games that are currently being played by Xanadu are [ http://www.eve-online.com EVE-Online], [ http://everquest2.station.sony.com/ EverQuest II] and [ http://www.guildwars.com/ GuildWars]. Our eyes are also focused on [ http://www.piratesoftheburningsea.com/index.php Pirates of the Burning Sea].

Xanadu were for many rounds the primary opponents of Fury. While they won very few rounds, they were easily considered a top tier alliance. Xanadu left Planetarion after Round 7, though their wing LDK kept playing as a full-fledged aliance as did Ministry in Round 8 and Round 9. Xan have since moved to other games, such as EVE.

See Also