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  • Full Name: Vengeance
  • Short Name: VGN
  • Public IRC Channel: #vgn
  • Alliance motto: Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
  • Website: the ACIS
  • IRC server:

The Original Vengeance

The original Vengeance was a cluster community from round 3, c123a. Over time it became a small, yet closeknit and active alliance, untill it joined BlackDeath in round 6. Several of the members in VGN were also members in BD, for example _are_, who was HC in both, which made the merger smooth and easy.

The Beginning

Vengeance as an alliance was founded in the confusion following the sudden end of round 8. BlackDeath and UltraViolence, two smallish alliances, who dated back from respectivly round 2 and round 1, had been working close together during the round, under the tag VD (Violent Death). When the round suddenly ended, people started leaving the game, never to be seen again. The two alliances realised they could not continue with the constant decline in members, and decided to merge the two memberbases.

This created the new alliance we all know and love (well, I do, anyway) and after a quick election amongst all the members, the name Vengeance was picked. To guess who voted for Vengeance as a name, check the above section ;-)

Round 9: Redemption

In round 9, the HC was build up by _are_ (former BD), Starlock (former UV), helloraj (former UV), Gayle (former UV) and JUDO. During the round, DukePaul (former BD) was promoted to HC aswell.

Round 9.5: Resurrection


Round 10: Genesis

someone add something constructive

Round 10.5: The Awakening

get something here too

Round 11: A Legend Reborn

During round 10.5, several members had stopped playing, and VGN realised it could not continue. Therefore, VGN played as a part of ROCK in round 11.

Round 12: The Edge of Darkness

Round 12: The return of Vengeance.

During round 11 VGN operated under ROCK's tag, but were not entirely happy with how things worked out. So the call went out, and we decided we would play if we managed to bring in 30 of the members to play. This was no problem at all, at the start of the round we had around 75 VGN members ready, and as usual we recruited a few new ones - mostly on vouch, but also a few noobs (Would like to point out Iron, 20:6:8, this is the first PA round he has ever played, and he ended on a nice 290th or so).

The HC of round 12 consisted of _are_, Starlock, Ladybug, darts, WesseH, GlowDog and DukePaul. When darts got promoted to work, VGN had to balance it by demoting him in VGN, and promoting RobTD to take his place. Later during the round Sjimmy was also promoted to the HC.

As is known by now, we worked with MISTU all round, and had a NAP with ROCK (DeadlRock later). During the early round, we did not participate in the attacks on Absolute (atleast, I think we didn't, might be wrong ), as I personally felt it was a wrong thing to do. Absolute was new as an alliance, but getting constantly attacked made sure that they never got to build a stable community and become a lasting alliance. We were generally minding our own business, and hitting naughty galaxies.

Then came the time when we lost 31:2:1 (Bee). The story here is a bit confused, depending on who you listen to, but bottom line is that the HC agreed to trust Bee to rejoin VGN after the 72 ticks were over. This didn't happen, and he joined LCH. Partially therefore (also because LCH was very hostile), we gathered other alliances to attack LCH (as they were #1), but the others didn't seem too interested in attacking them (felt it was unfair to gang up so many on one alliance, had more pressing enemies etc etc), so after about a week we were halved in number of alliances attacking LCH, and we felt we couldn't contiune with it - especially as LCH focused on us for a day or two. So, we had a talk with LCH, and decided on a gentelmens agreement on avoiding each other, and instead to focus on 1up. By now, the round had come to the point where only it was only two possible winners - 1up or LCH. And, faced with two evils, we felt that LCH was the lesser one.

The rest of the round, we attacked with the MISTU/LCH/HR/Angels/VsN group on 1up and ND, but as we all know, we didn't have much of an impact

Round 13:

AngelSeven returns...after a long time in the wilderness (08/03/05)

[The little timeline there is, is probably seriously fucked up. Also need to get someone with better memory to add something for r9-11]