Battle group

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Revision as of 16:52, 12 January 2005 by Cheerios (talk | contribs)
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Battlegroups are "mini-alliances". Attacking and sometimes, defending together, usually groups of friends within an alliance and/or block unless it's an "external battlegroup" where people from various alliances/blocks would feature in the battlegroup with an intention to fencesit.

Before Round 10 (aka. PaX) battlegroups had a slight chokehold on alliances, as top players from several alliances formed battlegroups that sometimes overshadowed the player's own alliance in attacks and defence. Such battlegroups, seen as leeches by alliance HCs, drained the resources away from alliance-loyal members and undermined the ability for alliances to wage full-scale war. The introduction of faster alliance ETAs into Planetarion greatly reduced the power of, if not killed, battlegroups with a multiple-alliance player spectrum.