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== First Login ==
== So... Which Buttons Are The Important Ones? ==

You've just signed up, activated your account, logged in past the "bot stopper" and loaded the "Overview" page. Now what?
While this is very much a "play and learn" game, there are some things that almost every player does when they start their planet.  
[ Can't login? Click here for our FAQ!]
If you don't have a fondness for 8 characters of random letters and numbers, the first thing I do is go to the "preferences screen". This is a useful screen with lots of miscellaneous options, but the first one to use is the password changing function. Please try and remember to change your password to something you remember, but that other people won't know or guess easily. Another nice option is to experiment with the "skins" that you can play Planetarion in - while you can have something fairly boring like the "clean black" skin (which is also quick to load), there's quite a few new and interesting skins for you to play with.  

== The First 72 Hours: Under Protection ==

== Exceptions ==
During the first 72 ticks of the game your planet is under protection. During this time, get used to the game, and as often as possible visit the mining page to initiate asteroids, the research page to start new researches and the construction page to start new constructions.
If you're playing from the same IP address, it's strongly recommended you also get an "exception". You need to apply for one of these if more than one person is (or may be) playing from your IP address. It lets us know you aren't trying to cheat, but are merely two different people. Obviously, sometimes it can be hard to tell over the internet, so this is why we introduced this system. It also automatically limits how much you can attack, defend and so on together.
== What to do first? ==
While this is very much a "play and learn" game, there are some things that almost every player does when they start their planet.  

However, it's advisable to have some ships built by [[tick]] 82, as that's when the first attacks will be able to reach your planet. In the beginning of the game it is nearly impossible to stop any attacks, so it is prefereble to build [[pod]]s only and send them out to attack others.

== Engineering ==
== Engineering ==
Firstly, hunt out the "Engineering" page, and open it up. This page allows your planet to specialise to different degrees in 3 out of a possible 5 options.<br>
A good starting setup is [[Research]] (1st), [[Mining]] (2nd) and [[Construction]] (3rd).
By a process of fairly simple elimation, you can guess the best 3 options to choose to start with. "Security" is useful against "Covert Operations", which is when other people try and use agents to cause damage to your planet. This is disabled in the first 72 "ticks" (turns), and so would obviously be a waste to choose at the beginning of the game. Production is also not very helpful, as you're not allowed to launch any ships in the first 72 ticks. This leaves you with "Research", "Mining" and "Construction". There's a bit of argument as to which is the most useful to put where, but I tend to take them in the order I listed them, no matter the race I take. You're welcome to choose whichever way you want to put them, though. If you want to change this option before the game starts, you have to disable any current constructions and researches.
A bit later on, you might want to switch to Mining-Construction-Research.  
The 10% (or 15%) boost to your resource production, thanks to the Mining priority, can be a huge difference. [This is on top of the .5% bonus for each of your Finance Centres.]

You can change you engineering priorities only every 48 ticks, so choose carefully. You *can* change engineering priorities every 48 ticks- that doesn't mean you have to. You should set Engineering priorities ASAP after your first login- you start off the game with a 'blank slate' on Engineering priorities.

== Research ==
== Research ==
The almost undisputed first choice is [[Improved Resource Handling]], so please click the ''initate'' button next to this research.

This page lets you research different things to help your planet.
This technology branch allows you to mine more of the [[asteroids]] than you have collected around your planet. All of the more experienced players spend the first 60 or so [[tick]]s initiating asteroids in the Mining screen, but shortly after protection ends it is far more cost-effective to attack other players to gain roids (this also gets you [[XP]] - see [[combat]] for more information).
The almost undisputed first choice is "Improved Resource Handling", so please click the "initate" button next to this research.<br>
This technology branch allows you to mine more of the asteroids that you have collected around your planet. All of the more experienced players spend the first 60 or so turns "initiating" (or creating) asteroids using the "Mining" screen, but after about tick 100 it is far more cost-effective for most people to attack (this also gets you an "XP" or experience factor - see the combat section here for more information).<br>
== Headline text ==

The first things to research after "Improved Resource Handling" are:<br>
'''Starting Research'''
# Improved Resource Handling - 16 Ticks to complete
"Heavy Cargo Tranfers I" (The next research after "Improved Resource Handling") <br>
# Heavy Cargo Transfers II - 24
"Fighter Class Hulls" (If you're going to attack other people you need ships!)<br>
# Fighter Class Hulls - 24
"Heavy Cargo Transfers II" <br>
# Jumpgate - 16
"Basic Infrastructure" (This doesn't look important, but when you realise you can't build any more constructions (see section below) you'll realise it is!)<br>
# ''**End of Protection**''
"Advanced Core Extraction" (This gives you a bigger resource income apart from your asteroids)<br>
# Infrastructure Upgrade - 16
The "Core Extaction" researches are important if you're not going to check your account more than once or twice a day - you can't loose these! You can then use them to get more ships (with the 3 ship researches) and not have so many asteroids. More discussion about this is found in the "Mining" section. <br>
# Heavy Cargo Transfers III - 24
# Warpgate - 32
The things to research least, especially for a free account, are probably the "Surface Analysis" (waves that allow you to see information on other planets) and the "Underground Network Charting" (Covert op tree, the non-ship based way of causing damage to another planet). This is because, due to the research limitations on a free account, there's few (if any) worthwhile technologies for these trees.<br>
# Advanced Core Extraction - 24
# Heavy Cargo Transfers IV - 48
Then, about this time you'll need to try and get as much Scan technology as you can whilst keeping up with your roids (at least untill Unit scans)

The things to research least (?), especially for a free account, are probably the [[Surface Analysis]] (waves that allow you to see information on other planets) and the [[Underground Network Charting]] ([[Covert_Ops]]: causing damage without attacking with ships). There are heavy research limitations on unpaid planets.

== Construction ==
== Construction ==
Especially early on in the game, the most beneficial construction is the [[Research lab]]. This increases your research speed by up to 20%.

This is the next page to visit. Arguably, the best construction to do first is the "Research lab". This increases your research speed by up to 20% (more than the difference between Research on first engineering priority and not at all), and so is important. As you have to have at least 20% of your structures research labs to get the full bonus, constructing it first means that between constructing your first and your 6th structure you have the full 20% research bonus. If you build one every 5th structure, you can therefore get quite a bonus.  
There are three types of factories: Light, Medium and Heavy.  
This leaves you 4 structures between the research labs (at least!). You need to make sure you have factories to build ships, but you only need 1 or two of each. Without ship factories and the correct research, you cannot build ships. For information on the what other constructions, see the ingame descriptions or the manual here. I recommend you build distorters, or the refinary linked to your race type. Security centres are also helpful if you are going to try and covert op others, as they often retaliate!
# Light Factories enable you to build Fighter and Corvette-class ships.
# Medium Factories enable you to build Frigates and Destroyers.
# Heavy Factories enable you to build Cruisers and Battleships.

NOTE: You also will need an appropriate level of [[research]] to be able to build each ship class.

== Mining ==
'''Starting Constructions'''
# Research Lab
Mining is one of the important screens (together with research and construction) at the beginning of the round.
# Refinery (Which Refinery type depends on your race. If you are Terran, focus on Metal Refineries as your ships cost a lot of Metal. Cathaar = Crystal. Zikonian = Eonium. Xandathrii ships require an equal amount of each resource).
When you first sign up, you have 5000 of each resource. This is enough to buy 3 of each type of asteroid in the "Mining" screen. Paid accounts have 10000 of each resource, and so can afford 6 of each roid type.  
# Refinery - 12
To initiate asteroids, put the numbers in the corresponding boxes beside the three different resource types and click "initiate".
# Refinery - 12
Note:You want to be the biggest planet you can be. You initiate asteroids at the beginning of the game as that's the most cost effective way of gaining asteroids, and you need asteroids to give you more resources. However, as time goes on (most people feel around 200-300 asteroids) the most cost effective way to gain asteroids becomes building ships that can steal asteroids and attacking other planets (especially as you gain "XP" for doing this). Therefore, while you use this page a lot in the first 5-10 days, afterwards you don't need it unless you're exchanging resources with others.
# Light Factory - 12
# Research Lab - 12

# ''**End of Protection**''
# Refinery - 12
# Refinery - 12
# Amplifier - 12
# Refinery - 12
# Research Lab - 12
# Medium Factory - 12

== Protection ==
After that sequence, I'd suggest building a Heavy Factory, then several Refineries and Finance Centres.

During the first 72 ticks of the game, your planet is under "protection" as said before. During this time, get used to the game, and as often as possible visit the mining page to initiate asteroids, the research page to start new researches and the construction page to start new constructions.<br>
Only the Moon.  It is close enough that, deitspe being relatively small, it can cover the disk of the Sun.  The Moon casts a shadow and it is when this shadow passes over Earth (and you stand in that shadow patch) that you would see a total eclipse of the Sun.Venus and Mercury are bigger than the Moon, but they are much further away from us.  Their apparent diameter is therefore too small to block off the light of the entire Sun's disk.  When they pass in front of the Sun, it is called a  transit .There will be a transit of Venus in June 2012 (just as there was one in June 2004).No comets or asteroids are big enough to block off the Sun, regardless of how close they pass to Earth. And no, they cannot cause earthquakes. The idea that something could pass between us and the Sun, causing an eclipse AND earthquakes comes from the Planet-X hoax (the original one, for May 13, 2003  the Big 2012 Hoax is simply a recycling of that hoax).The charlatans who played up the hoax used the story to scare people and then make money by selling them books on how to survive.
However, it's advisable if possible to have ships by tick 100, as that's when people start attacking!<br>
Once out of protection, as mentioned in the mining section, the best idea is to watch for attacking fleets, and try and attack others yourself. <br>

k2A18q  <a href="">apnynvnyphyw</a>6NPWQX , [url=]gwiqsopyerqc[/url], [link=]bsktnromdpox[/link],  <a href="">tztondimcizz</a>hjskWl , [url=]bnbcegahmnlw[/url], [link=]aptwaanxziqo[/link],

Latest revision as of 06:59, 29 April 2012

So... Which Buttons Are The Important Ones?

While this is very much a "play and learn" game, there are some things that almost every player does when they start their planet.

The First 72 Hours: Under Protection

During the first 72 ticks of the game your planet is under protection. During this time, get used to the game, and as often as possible visit the mining page to initiate asteroids, the research page to start new researches and the construction page to start new constructions.

However, it's advisable to have some ships built by tick 82, as that's when the first attacks will be able to reach your planet. In the beginning of the game it is nearly impossible to stop any attacks, so it is prefereble to build pods only and send them out to attack others.


A good starting setup is Research (1st), Mining (2nd) and Construction (3rd). A bit later on, you might want to switch to Mining-Construction-Research. The 10% (or 15%) boost to your resource production, thanks to the Mining priority, can be a huge difference. [This is on top of the .5% bonus for each of your Finance Centres.]

You can change you engineering priorities only every 48 ticks, so choose carefully. You *can* change engineering priorities every 48 ticks- that doesn't mean you have to. You should set Engineering priorities ASAP after your first login- you start off the game with a 'blank slate' on Engineering priorities.


The almost undisputed first choice is Improved Resource Handling, so please click the initate button next to this research.

This technology branch allows you to mine more of the asteroids than you have collected around your planet. All of the more experienced players spend the first 60 or so ticks initiating asteroids in the Mining screen, but shortly after protection ends it is far more cost-effective to attack other players to gain roids (this also gets you XP - see combat for more information).

Starting Research

  1. Improved Resource Handling - 16 Ticks to complete
  2. Heavy Cargo Transfers II - 24
  3. Fighter Class Hulls - 24
  4. Jumpgate - 16
  5. **End of Protection**
  6. Infrastructure Upgrade - 16
  7. Heavy Cargo Transfers III - 24
  8. Warpgate - 32
  9. Advanced Core Extraction - 24
  10. Heavy Cargo Transfers IV - 48

Then, about this time you'll need to try and get as much Scan technology as you can whilst keeping up with your roids (at least untill Unit scans)

The things to research least (?), especially for a free account, are probably the Surface Analysis (waves that allow you to see information on other planets) and the Underground Network Charting (Covert_Ops: causing damage without attacking with ships). There are heavy research limitations on unpaid planets.


Especially early on in the game, the most beneficial construction is the Research lab. This increases your research speed by up to 20%.

There are three types of factories: Light, Medium and Heavy.

  1. Light Factories enable you to build Fighter and Corvette-class ships.
  2. Medium Factories enable you to build Frigates and Destroyers.
  3. Heavy Factories enable you to build Cruisers and Battleships.

NOTE: You also will need an appropriate level of research to be able to build each ship class.

Starting Constructions

  1. Research Lab
  2. Refinery (Which Refinery type depends on your race. If you are Terran, focus on Metal Refineries as your ships cost a lot of Metal. Cathaar = Crystal. Zikonian = Eonium. Xandathrii ships require an equal amount of each resource).
  3. Refinery - 12
  4. Refinery - 12
  5. Light Factory - 12
  6. Research Lab - 12
  1. **End of Protection**
  2. Refinery - 12
  3. Refinery - 12
  4. Amplifier - 12
  5. Refinery - 12
  6. Research Lab - 12
  7. Medium Factory - 12

After that sequence, I'd suggest building a Heavy Factory, then several Refineries and Finance Centres.

Only the Moon. It is close enough that, deitspe being relatively small, it can cover the disk of the Sun. The Moon casts a shadow and it is when this shadow passes over Earth (and you stand in that shadow patch) that you would see a total eclipse of the Sun.Venus and Mercury are bigger than the Moon, but they are much further away from us. Their apparent diameter is therefore too small to block off the light of the entire Sun's disk. When they pass in front of the Sun, it is called a transit .There will be a transit of Venus in June 2012 (just as there was one in June 2004).No comets or asteroids are big enough to block off the Sun, regardless of how close they pass to Earth. And no, they cannot cause earthquakes. The idea that something could pass between us and the Sun, causing an eclipse AND earthquakes comes from the Planet-X hoax (the original one, for May 13, 2003 the Big 2012 Hoax is simply a recycling of that hoax).The charlatans who played up the hoax used the story to scare people and then make money by selling them books on how to survive.

k2A18q <a href="">apnynvnyphyw</a>6NPWQX , [url=]gwiqsopyerqc[/url], [link=]bsktnromdpox[/link], <a href="">tztondimcizz</a>hjskWl , [url=]bnbcegahmnlw[/url], [link=]aptwaanxziqo[/link],