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The devil went down to Georgia
summitted by Richard Hannah, May 16 2001 7:44am

Fury went down to Georgia
They were lookin' for some roids to steal
They were in a bind cos they were way behind
an' they were willin' to make a deal

When they came across this young boy
flyin' his ceptor and doggin' it hot
so Fury rolled up on a hyperspace jump
and said 'boy lemme tell you what'

I guess you didn't know it but I'm a ceptor pilot too
an if you care to take a dare I'll make a bet with you
Now you fly pretty good ceptor boy - but give Fury its due
I'll bet a ceptor of gold against your soul cos I think I'm better n you

Now the boy said my names Johnny and it may be a sin
but I'll take that bet yer gonna regret it -
cos I'm the best theres ever bin

Johnny power up you engines and fly your ceptor hard
cos hells broke loose in galaxy and Fury deals at cards
an' if you win you get this shiny ceptor made of gold
but if you lose then Fury gets your sooooooooulll

Well Fury opened up his engines and said I'll start this show
and fire flew from his laser guns and bombs began to blow
as he fired his guns across the sky they made a evil hiss
then a band of spectres joined and it sounded something like this

(instrumental bit)

Johnny turned to Fury and said 'well yer pretty good ol' son'
But sit back in that cockpit right there
and let me show you how its done

Incoming on the galaxy run boys run
Furys in the house and thats no fun
Pods in orbit pickin' up roids
blast those suckers into the void

(instrumental bit)

Well Fury bowed their heads because they knew that they'd been beat
and they dropped that golden ceptor into space in Johnny's fleet
Johnny said 'Fury just come on back if you ever wanna try again'
I done told you once you sons of bitches I'm the best there's ever been

(instrumental to end)