Channel Services Comittee: Difference between revisions

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(changed directors to supervisors, added voices at bottom and added bit on verify command)
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If noone is available to help in #cservice (even if there are no [[Channel Op|op]]s or [[voices]] it's worth asking) the csc can be reached by mailing cserviceATnetgamersDOTorg.
You can check to see if a user is a CSC Staff member by using the verify command.
/msg p verify Markb
-P- [email protected] is a CSC Nick Administrator and logged in as
If noone is available to help in #cservice (even if there are no [[Channel Op|op]]s or [[Voice |voiced]] users it's worth asking) the CSC can be reached by mailing cserviceATnetgamersDOTorg.

For network related queries, see the [[oper]]s in [[hashFeds|#feds]].
For network related queries, see the [[oper]]s in [[hashFeds|#feds]].

Revision as of 09:32, 22 August 2006

The Channel Services Committee(CSC) is responsible for providing channel services and support for them. Active CSC members can be found in #cservice.



Managers - Despair, Trinity

Supervisors - Icewatcher, Jez, Strike

The management team are responsible for the membership of the rest of CSC. Any complaints should be directed to them, either via IRC or by mail to cscATnetgamersDOTorg. In addition the management deal with official verifies and channels.

Nick Admins

Senior nick admins - Krogzar, raar, sp8473 (Speh), Xsag

Junior nick admins - Markb

Nick admins are responsible for dealing with registered nicks, including resolving problems with pending nicks and dealing with suspending/unsuspending nicks.

Channel Admins

Channel admins - none

Channel admins are responsible for accepting channels (the final stage while registering a channel)and dealing with channel related queries.


Junior admins - kaeseman(kaese)

Administrators are responsible for dealing with help queries and resolving any problems which their access level allows them to deal with.

All admins are also responsible for dealing with tasks for which they have access, so for example the management can deal with queries or problems of any nature.

Senior Helpers

Senior Helpers - Stynx

Junior Helpers

Junior Helpers - Darryl, Stu|

The Helper's main role is to give help to users with using P and the CService sections of the NetGamers website.

You can check to see if a user is a CSC Staff member by using the verify command.

/msg p verify Markb
-P- [email protected] is a CSC Nick Administrator and logged in as

If noone is available to help in #cservice (even if there are no ops or voiced users it's worth asking) the CSC can be reached by mailing cserviceATnetgamersDOTorg.

For network related queries, see the opers in #feds.