Round 27 Denial Announcement

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Official Denial Statement
originally posted by Mystic

Today the game was plunged into great discussion and gossip about what went on with Denial.
Rumours were spread. Accounts had been closed and everyone wanted to know who it was and what happened.
As the hours passed, the closure of 3 Denial HCs was made known to the public.
This came as a shock to Denial members, the command team and the other alliances in the universe.
There has always been a long list of people through the history of this game, who have exploited some aspect of the game.
The involved members and HCs realise they made a mistake and admit there was a lapse of proper judgement. They accept the fact that they were closed for breaching the player code.
The Denial Command team have decided collectively that one person's actions regardless of command position will not break something that has taken multiple people to build.
With this we humbly ask the Planetarion community to forgive and accept that people are flawed and this is now history.
Denial are ready to face the challenges infront of us, and we will keep playing with a complete and effective command team to give you a fair fight for universe dominance!
Denial HC