Round 1:Story

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2009 First manned mission to Mars

2024 Taurus Colony Set-up on Earths Moon, 15,000 Men, Women and children emigrate there. The first Lunar Mining Plant is commissioned by the EEC (Eon Energy Commission) and they make a discovery that will change the future of mankind forever, a metallic compound similar to mercury in a vein of rock 1.7 miles below the surface.

2030 Initial experiments into the newly discovered 'Eon'ium provide major breakthroughs in commercial and military ventures. The element in its natural form is proved to be highly versatile as the main component in a new fuel type, thus eliminating the need for rapidly depleting oil sources on Earth. Simultaneously, the same derivative, is found to strengthen conventional metal alloys up-to 700%, and is quickly marketed by the EEC making them the most powerful company on Earth. Citizenship is enforced, categorised by wealth status, 1 - the highest, 2 - the remainder.

2045 The Beginning of the end…..

The clouds had passed, it was one of the clearest nights he could remember and he had never felt as scared as this. But something bothered him, somehow, somewhere in his heart, the primeval fear that it was his last still refused to fade. He was so used to the choking, clogging dust, it was a rare pleasure to see his chem-mask lying disgarded on the moonlit earth, and what amazed him more was the fact that he could actually breathe without coughing up his lungs. The dull drone of the distant cityscape was barely audible and for what seemed like the first instance in his short life he felt utterly alone.

He lay down on the scorched, dry ground and looked up into the stars, allowing his mind to drift, memories flooded in, and though he couldn't understand what was being said, disjointed voices that were etched there began to echo backwards and forwards…..

Class 1 citizens only……….

The EEC officers stood at the checkpoints, solemn, menacing. He could see it all as clear as if it was happening now….

Class one citizens only , move along !…

He could see the adults getting restless, could see his father shout angrily at one of the black clad guards….

More commotion, his father hitting out, and then the oh so familiar sound of a plasma rifle discharging….and his father falling….eyes wide and staring…

He never saw him hit the floor, he just ran, and ran, and now he was here, alone.

He lay there for a while, a childs sense of time….it seemed like an eternity. Then silence fell, and a low rumble resounded out across the hills. All at once, a brilliant incandescent light blinded him, rainbow colours streaming in every direction, fading into a pinprick of blue. Seconds passed, and another appeared, and then another till the sky was lit up with colour. A tear trickled down his cheek, and he silently waved goodbye to the travellers, then closed his eyes….and slept..

2045 Jumpgate Radiation, eliminates remaining life on earth, all Class 1 citizens evacuated.

(R1 manual, fiction)