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  • Full Name: Orbit
  • Short Name: Orbit
  • Public IRC Channel: #orbit
  • Alliance motto: Could be worse, could be Myth

The Orbit alliance was started mid-round 14, when 3 small alliances decided to get together and take on the big boys. These alliances were: Unforgiven Sin, European Legion, and Liberators. Originally, the_powwer was supposed to be a part of Orbit and in the first stages of name thinking, it was PULSE - Powwer Unforgiven Liberators Sin European-legion. But after the_powwer was no longer a part and the HCs of each alliance consulted, a consensus was made on the point that during a merge, we should leave our pasts behind, hence Orbit.

The alliance finished 12th in its first round (R14, mainly due to Stane and Williams) and in the following Havoc round broke into the top 10, finishing 8th.

Near the end of round 14, the alliance had an internal conflict and came close to falling apart. However, due to the labours of some of the hardcore members (namely Xcel, GeenPorem, Ron7684, Brug and Phrazer), Orbit rose again in round 15 ready to return to the battlefield.

By Round 16, all of these HCs except Phrazer and hopefully Brug (should he ever return) had either parted ways with Orbit, or left to gain experience in the larger and more powerful alliances of Planetarion. As a result, a number of other trusted BCs moved up the promotion ladder to fill their places: DarkYoshi, Ionferno and Ptraci.

Round 16 HCs were the so called "schexy gf" Phrazer, "scanneriffic" DarkYoshi, "ex-whore" Ionferno and "schexy" Ptraci.

R17 sees Orbit take to the battlefield once more with hopes of closing the gap on the top 10!! Also, Breakoff alliances Insurrection and Myth were formed

Round 18 saw a significant change in Orbit's command struture, as Ptraci and Exothermic left to form the alliance Insurrection in the previous round. Although Orbit struggled for a bit to deal with this heavy loss, they were eventually successful, and a new command team was born. This team consisted of: Ashka, DarkYoshi, Phrazer, Brug, Masta_Mark, and a new promotion from DC; Magistar, another original member of Orbit. Orbit finished in 17th this round

Round 19 saw another change in Orbit's structure/policy. Phrazer took the round off from HC duty and returned to being a normal soldier for Orbit's Navy. Brug took the round off due to conflicts with his military schedule. That left Masta, Yoshi, and Magi to pick up the slack. To do this, they enlisted the help of Crowly, a new but exciting member of Orbit. During round 19, Orbit began to realize its true potential. Recruitment conditions were changed from that of a training alliance to one of a contender. As a giant help to troop morale, in the beginning Masta awoke to find 17 incoming waves fleetcatching him. With little assistance, he obliterated the incoming fleets and was vaulted into the top 30. Near 3/4 of the way through the round, the battle team of Masta and Crowly came up with a daring plan: The two alliances that broke away from Orbit, Insurrection and Myth, formed a NAP with each other. In order to remind them where they came from, Orbit launched a massive offensive on the two alliances. Within a week, both had dropped several places, and Orbit was nearing the Top 10 (highest rank was 12, ended at 13) this being the high point of Orbit's round, the rest of the round was spent having fun, and celebrating the returning of some former Insurrection and Myth members.

Round 20 saw Orbit going into the fray with pMonkeys as close allys, planning to fight it out together to secure ourselves a top 10 position we went into the round strong. Problems started emerging in the pMonkeys camp, and after a desperate attempt to save it by Masta_Mark (by setting up the attacks and shouting at members to get active) it was seen to be inevitable that the monkeys would disband. About 12-15 of the pMonkeys joined Orbit after it was deemed pMonkeys was dead. Orbit slowly climbed the ranks until it had its top10 position, and then further upwards to 9th. With F-crew, ToF, VSN, and Omen above them it seemed a long hill to climb to get higher, but for the last 300 ticks it became so close we could smell each others breath. In the last week activity was flagging and Orbit seemed destined to 8th place. But a last ditch attempt, lasting 3 days, made by both members and command helped us get the gains needed to challenge for 5th position. Orbit was 8th with less than 20 ticks left and had 1.3 million to gain on F-crew to get 5th. Last minute attacks and resource spending got us that 1.3 million and more, with a last day gains of 11,446,298 score. The highest that round. Finishing nearly 1.2 million above F-crew (7th) and 5.8 million above ToF (8th). Ascendancy had massive gains of 13.5 million and managed to snatch 5th from Orbits grasp. Orbit finished 6th on Score, 4th on roid size, 20th on average score and 25th on average roid size. 141,997,036 = score || 28,354 = roids

Round 21 was a kind of break round for Orbit. All the HC had exams as did many of the members. We managed to finish 9th on score with a few disappointing performances from command and members. Altho during this period a 5th HC was gained in the form of Hutchi who for afew weeks ran just about everything himself. Which was no mean feat since he'd never DC'd or BC'd till just the start of the round. Round 22 Orbit launches into the fray planning for a top 5 position.