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  • Full Name: Interplanetary Peace Corps
  • Short Name: IPC
  • Public IRC Channel: #ipc-alliance
  • Alliance motto: Semper Fidelis
  • Affectionate nickname:
  • Status: Defunct

IPC were one of the games first alliances who held a strong belief in playing fair. Many of the original members went on to be part of PACrew. Some of the founding members were KeyStroke, Irons and Konsul. One of its more recent HC was Smokeh.
Although there was no IPC tag in-game in round 10.5, some members and HC did play under the F-Crew tag.

In the end of r14, did Brimstone, Joa and some of the old IPC members try to re-build the alliance! They did not succeed.... One of the main reasons was:
After the death of Thomas (Kal-Phobia) the #ipc-alliance channel on netgamers, got a real high activety once again! An activety not seen since the alliance went to "Sleeping mode."
After a few days, the old members stille playing Planetarion, got the idea, "lets get IPC back in the game." As told, they did NOT succeed

The tribute to Thomas (Kal-Phobia), an out-standing member and a good friend to many.

Alliance and comunity website: www.ipc-alliance.com