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What is Planetarion?

Planetarion is a space-themed game, which has won numerous awards over its previous rounds.

In Planetarion you manage a single planet in the vast wilderness of the universe. Your planet is in a galaxy, and it is up to you to make your galaxy work together so that you can overcome the various dangers from outside. A galaxy that does not work together is a dead galaxy. However, your galaxy is not your only means to survive. You can also rely on your local cluster of galaxies for aid as well as an alliance if you choose to join one.

So how do I play it?

Planetarion is a browser based game, this means that you can play it any time or from any place where you can get on the net, there is nothing at all to install. Planetarion is about skill and dedication.

Planetarion is a real time game, in which the action is divided into ticks. You may think this makes the game slow and dull, but quite the opposite is in fact the case. Ticks add tension and apprehension to the game as well as a mad rush to get defense before it is to late.