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Being n00bish in every way, this person has amazed the Planetarion community with his lack of charm & dull wit. Running NoS virtually alone for an entire week prior to round 14 (in his dreams), the alliance experienced the infamous XyN00b-effect, with people increasing their n00b-level by more than 50%. This, however, was only temporary, as he was demoted quickly, after outshining the other HC's, who are known for having extremely large ego's, in contrast to their small penises (except Heru, he is hung like a gnat).

However, he does suffer from the inability to attract any Asian girls. Rumor has it that they run away in embarassment from his presence because of his millimeter peter. It's unfortunate, then, that he favors dark, fat, African men for his sexual pleasures.

Now quit NoS and pa cos he's a quitter. He LOVES the cock.

Not as gay as X... oh no wait. As gay as Xy. Still not as gay as Nadar, though.