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Controversial straight speaking Aussie who has played for a several alliances. most frequently Apprime. Known for being uncompromising and combative, be it in the social community, or fighting his ships and repeatedly suiciding several of his high ranking planets, including multiple #1 contending planets.

Also known for:

- Faking cancer, allegedly in order to try to finish higher in ranks through sympathy. He's in strong denial about this nowadays, but the PA Forum entry is still existing.
- Infamous for numerous tete a tete's with numerous honourable members of the Planetarion community. These countless stoushes are invariably of no great comedic value due to the banterous insults including child rape threats and homoerotic tendencies. He has essentitally been defeated and proven wrong in these verbal death battles many times resulting in some mental meltdowns.
- Flying to Germany to meet his 'online GF' in his younger days. Unfortunately he turned out to be a total creep in real life, so his "online GF" which at this point didn't even know about the relationship, decided to inform the German police to get him deported back to Australia and share her bed with JMs friend instead.
- Usually he's required to use at least one new fake nick per round because every alliance and community would naturally reject him. Normally he can keep up the masquerade for two or three days max before revealing his toxic personality.