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Lokken's logbook

Episode 1, 5th April, PT 139

This logbook (located here) will be updated intermittently (by me) to show how the round is progressing politically and who indeed is winning, losing and progressing over time. Hopefully instead of rumour and recollection we can have a real track of how a round progresses.

So here we go with the state of play in day 6, at PT 139.

  1. Wolfpack 99 24.0k 14.1M 23% 6%
  2. Howling Rain 96 23.6k 12.8M 20% 4%
  3. LCH 82 20.9k 11.8M 22% 10%
  4. EXilition 59 18.6k 10.8M 33% 17%
  5. NewDawn 79 19.1k 10.2M 19% 6%

Wolfpack and LCH seem to have made impressive starts to the round, HR holding themselves 2nd on sheer weight of numbers at this stage (they have a 10k per member lower average than WP). NewDawn holding their classic position on the cusp of the top 5. Exilition are making a fantastic debut with an average far superior to any other alliance, and are top 5 with a compact memberbase.

Outside the top 5, 1up and debutants Angels sit in the top 10 with a solid average and compact memberbases. Tides of Fire would probably be quite happy with 10th and comeback kings ToT and hirr sit at 12th and 13th respective with membership below 50 each.

Hopefully i'll try and keep track of any major political moves and combat reports (this will probably be more relevant near the close of the round) but any possible help from you kids in pm on the forum or IRC would be fantastic.