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Friday Night Poker started with the idea to have fun with friends. Its a name we gave to our weekly meeting (mostly at Horatius' place) when we used to drink, play games and talk all night long, till the sun shows his damn yellow face :) Was in a Friday Night Poker that we decided to play PA, in the end of round 2. But the Friday Night Poker, as a project of PA born only in round 4, in a first ugly sketch with mostly rl friends and some n00bs from r3 Ramses´ gal.

round 4: FNP´s first galaxy was crap. Can´t mention it.

Galaxy r5 - 16:14 1 - WipeOut == NoS BC 2 - WhiteSnake == NoS officer/Ministry HC 3 - Declan 4 - gunman == Xanadu 5 - Maraj == NoS 6 - Khaine 7 - Ceptor 8 - BetrayerOfHope 9 - Willzzz == Legion HC 10 - deak == templar 11 - Horatius == Xanadu BC 12 - Endless == NoS 13 - Mercy == Xanadu 14 - Heartless == Cell 15 - Carnis == Cell 16 - MrCoke == Cell 17 - derzu == Xanadu 18 - mokke == Xanadu 19 - Archangel == Legion 20 - MrJ == Xanadu HC 21 - trend == Xanadu 22 - Chro == NoS 23 - Hyde == Xanadu 24 - Jon == Xanadu 25 - bedwyr

Mention to: "Atim", the junior galaxy round 5(21:21): Iceaxe, Thorrek, MasteriX, D_Phoenix, etc. Our sister gal, that because the defeat of our alliances was never sister :/ Legion c16 staff: Agamemnon, Seduzer, Heartshunter, for offering a good game; All those that replaced and joined ppl that quit (that I don't remember all);

Galaxy r6 - 9:7 1 - WhiteSnake == Ministry HC 2 - Declan == Silver HC 3 - Leospa 4 - PulMan == LDK-Xanadu 5 - eu_sou_eu == Ministry-Xanadu 6 - Imy == Xanadu 7 - peachie 8 - Ramses == Ministry BC-Xanadu BC 9 - RaptorGurl == Xanadu 10 - Luhen == Elysium DC 11 - zamoda == LDK-Xanadu 12 - Lupin == New Dawn 13 - Gatewayy == Deus ex Machina 14 - Bee == Ministry-Xanadu 15 - Plastic-Wrap == Silver

Galaxy r7 - 22:8 - The Immortals Friday Night Poker 1 - WipeOut == NoS HC 2 - Dingo == NoS HC 3 - Xeno == hirr HC 4 - Caine == NoS BC 5 - Cruciple == Elysium DC/Xanadu 6 - Ramses == Ministry BC/Xanadu HC 7 - Deffie == Xanadu BC/FanG BC/unaligned 8 - Hathor == KoN HK/Xanadu HC/KoN HK again 9 - Caliban == Wolfpack HC 10 - Steve_G 11 - magoo == KoN HK-Xanadu 12 - WhiteSnake == Ministry HC/Xanadu BC 13 - pcmaster13 == NoS head BC 14 - Diggler == NoS BC 15 - Silk_311 == Ministry BC/Xanadu officer

After this round, Friday Night Poker went to play similar games, and tried PA with a massive brazillian attack, at r 9.5, which was not succesful because of the brazillian PA clone that started together and had prior attention of FNP alliance.