Round 7

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Round Summary

Round 7 History seen from ToT (by Sonnenbomber)

After the various political refactorings in round 6, Xanadu quickly set about organizing a renewed resistance block to counter the FLTTV axis. Unfortunately many FoS and Xeta members were disillusioned with each other, leading to a fairly weak early block Newx, that was countered by a generally (but not unanimously) underrated FLTTV with reinforcements from FAnG and RaH.

ToT itself was still a very small ally, but altogether we had 60 active and combative members. We restructured our attack system and were able to involve a lot of FLTTV gals in our attacks so that also ToT was able to join the war of the top alliances. After 5 weeks of war, FLTTV had killed nearly all top - NEWX gals and planets. A 3 week take out of NEWX followed and all were arguing about the stagnation in the universe.

So it happened what every time happens in such situations, the winner block splits. Fury/ViruS declared war to FAnG and Titans. Legion declared war to RaH and FAnG. Through the good relation between ToT and FAnG command, we decided to help FAnG as much as possible without declaring war to ViruS, Legion and Fury because with our low membercount we werent really able to join the war of the top alliances which had 3-4times of our member count.

So the split of the block was big problem for ToT through losing control over a lot of FLTTV gals. Anyway we tried to stay neutral but after a lot of retals we had to declare war on our old allies from ViruS. We fought them till the end of the round and it ended in a tie. Except for one galaxy our enemies weren't really able to hit us. Good working defence and a lot of good battles made the round into a big success for ToT.

Nearly all our gals ended in the top100 and nearly all members in the top 1000 planet rankings. With the end of R7 a lot of old alliances also left the game. Xanadu and Legion were surely the most important of them. So the political situation for R8 was quiet interesting.

Final Rankings

See Also