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<b>Legion HC Discussions>
<b>Legion HC Discussions</b>

by Grendel
by Grendel

Revision as of 18:30, 7 January 2010

Legion HC Discussions

by Grendel First things first, why do we want to go our seperate way, because the Conc HC has no control whatsoever anymore. They have made giant mistakes in the past and it seems they keep comming, the merger with Lost/PoP and the standdown are prolly the two worst, although selling out a new member to a BT agressor was a really low one too. The HC (there are exeptions MrX, Bridge) seems to think they can do whatever they want, order us not to attack, take screenshots, do this, do that, no explantion or nothing. And when u see what all that fooling around does to the conc it is very bad. A lot of Core players are on the virge of giving up on the Concordium, u can read it it on this very board, Krolle and Fred, both 17+ players, wanting to know if they can be in the Legion without being in the Concordium. The Concordium is going down fast, it wanted to catch up with BT but has made the same grave error, as I warned them on their very board (and to which they didnt even felt they had to reply to) QUANTITY is not the same as QUALITY!!! This re-refer thing will not work, people will just refer to the same people, getting all the idiots right back in, last night i found the perfect example how bad the Concordium has recruited. Look at galaxy 34:17, there is 9 WaC members in there ... not one has a score over 900k !! My conclusion, no matter how hard u try, unless u really start over again, u are never gonna get the members u need. That is why we need to do it ourselfs. And screen every person we accept on activity, dedication and score. An alliance doesnt need 700 members, it needs a group of dedicated members, who play to win and who are not held back with NAPs preventing to attack every single galaxy! MrX was worried that we would be to small, I disagree, The Legion itself perhaps, but we will have the group of BT, a group of C4E members (and of these I know they are good people) and I think a large group of core Concordium players who are just as fed up with all of this as we are. Videer contacted several players last night, a lot were very interested. I think we can even get YI in, seeing that Huricaine has never been impressed either with the Concordium ever since the reset, he even spoke of quiting the Conc to go on his own. In short, we can make it on our own, I have no doubt about that. Atleast we will have tried, this is a game for all that matters, I want to have fun, I want to know my alliance buddys, I want to have intelligent IRC conversations with them, but most of all I want to know I can trust each and everyone of them, just like it is in the Legion. The Concordium canot offer this anymore, I dont think working within will help either. My vote goes to doing it ourselfs, cause im 100% that we can do a better job!

by Kain_Rowd Very well said, Grendel. I must say that my current feelings for the Concordium are similar to the time before Apok decided to restructure. I gave the Concordium a second chance, even saw things looking up, as most of you did. Yet what happened? We put our trust back into the same HC members that had been giving us problems before. As with Grendel, I voiced my opinion on IRC yesterday that I was unhappy with the current HC with exception of Mr X and Bridge. I've always been one willing to bide my time until the right moment, but it appears that the time has come to make a decision. No amount of posting can explain the anger and distrust Concordium HC drew from some of its most dedicated players yesterday - because they dont understand a key point. It was their mistake in the first place allowing so many idiots into the Conc and now put the pressure on the loyal members while restricting them of privlidges and making outrageous demands. Again, no amount of posting can replace the sentiments expressed in the Legion IRC channel yesterday while all of this nonsense was going on in the Concordium room and Joriad would not get off his soapbox. If the decision to split is made, the Legion has 300% of my vote, effort, and support to do everything that the Concordium failed at this round... and just maybe to restore that old feeling of being on top, and also surrounded by people you know and trust. I've said my peace. Cheers on a speech well done, Grendel.