Round 13: Difference between revisions

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(altered introduction to reflect the fact that the round is over)
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So far this has been announced about the upcoming round:

Tick start: 30th March 21:00 GMT
[[Shuffle]]: 1st April 09:00 GMT

The round ended on the 8th of June 2005 with the last [[tick]] at 21:00 GMT as planned. Havoc began on the 9th of June, and 'Capture the Flag' havoc began on the 10th (see below).
==Dates and Times==

==Key Changes from Round 12==
Tick start 30th March 21:00 GMT.<br>
[[Shuffle]] 1st April 09:00 GMT.

As stated within the manual
The round ended on the 8th of June 2005 with the last [[tick]] at 21:00 GMT as planned. Havoc began on the 9th of June, and '[[Round_13:Information#Stage_2_-_CTF_Havoc|Capture the Flag]]' havoc began on the 10th.

* Golden Asteroids added<br>
* Fleets Page redesigned with new functionality (click on a ship to move it, colour coding and moving ships form all fleets to a single fleet)<br>
* Combat engine changed to add stealing<br>
* Stats changed to all new round 13 stats<br>
* Incomings hostiles/friendlies message gets updated by fleet recalls now and links to the overview
* Can now scan closed planets<br>
* Message added to scans on closed planets stating that they are closed<br>
* New EULA (End User Licence Agreement) - this is the conditions you agree to when you sign up for an account<br>
* New opt in email list for newsletters, round announcements, etc<br>
* You must now give a reason when you leave an alliance and the alliance will be mailed<br>
* Missions page change to remove info column, alt text now appears with the ship name<br>
* Overview layout changes to put incomings information above MOTD<br>
* New default gal banner<br>
* "your galaxy has incomings" message is now only displayed if hostiles are incoming<br>
* Can now fleet scan incoming defence fleets<br>
* Salvage for defenders changed to 15% from attacking and 20% from defending fleets<br>
* The top 3 parallels should now be shown if there are only 1 or 2 clusters<br>
* Galaxy status page redesigned for increased ease of use<br>
* Free planets are now allowed one more HCT and one more ETA research<br>
* Can now defend planets in vacation mode or closed planets<br>
* Limits on Security Centres set to max 35% bonus<br>
* Jolt payment page updated with more current exchange rates<br>
* Free planets can access history<br>
* Buddy Pack creation, joining and leaving is implemented for upgraded planets, on the Preferences screen<br>
* The galaxy system will now no longer create more galaxies, but keep filling up those we have<br>
* Message system rewrite - both planets and alliances can now send messages to planets and alliances. When alliances send messages, no coords or planet names are revealed, only the name of the alliance. Messaging your entire alliance is now done from the new messages page under Alliances, by PR officers, BCs and HCs. Doing that will message anyone accepted into the alliance, even the recruits<br>
* When updating status / kicking an alliance member, the updater can now add a message to the planet being updated. (From the alliance, no coords revealed ofc)<br>
* GCs must now supply an explanation for a started exile, and the exilee is sent a message about the started exile with the explanation<br>
* The old Members page has now been split up into 2 pages, Members and Applicants<br>
* The process of accepting / rejecting new members has been redesigned for better communication etc<br>
* The Members and Applicants page now lists more data for all members; you can sort by clicking on the headers<br>
* The handling of prepaid credits has been rewritten. It is no longer a script running separately causing load every 15 minutes, it now checks only once per signup, at ACTIVATION. First it tries to find a match by email, then by first name & last name & country. If a match is found, the activation page will display this with big yellow text to the user. The player will also see the "upgrade now" link on Overview<br>
* To reduce size of the DB, planet ranking history is only the last 500 ticks and we only store the history every 10 ticks!!! saves lots of DB space<br>
* Scans are now deleted after 24 hours

==Various tidbits==
==Round Details==
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*'''By''': [[Kal]]
I am delighted to be able to let you know a few of the changes we will be seeing in round 13. The changes are varied, but nothing to radical or scary

-Upgraded planets can create, join and leave buddy packs before the shuffle.
=== Changes From R12 ===

-The galaxy-system will now no longer create more galaxies, but keep filling up those we have
Here is a list of [[Round_13:Changes|changes]] since R12.
-The PA Mail system has been rewritten - both planets and alliances can now send messages to planets and alliances. When alliances send messages, no coords or planet-names are revealed, only the name of the alliance.

-Messaging your entire alliance is now done from the new messages page under Alliances, by PR-officers, BCs and HCs. Doing that will message anyone accepted into the alliance, even the recruits.
=== Announcements ===

-When updating status / kicking an alliance member, the updater can now add a message to the planet being updated. (From the alliance, no coords revealed ofc.)
Various [[Round_13:Information|announcements]] posted by Kal.

-GCs must now supply an explanation for a started exile, and the exilee is sent a message about the started exile with the explanation.
==Round Summary==

-The old members page has now been split up into 2 pages, Members and Applicants.
'''Round 13''' marked the arrival of the second true powerhouse alliance of the [[PAX]] era, [[eXilition]]. A group of ex-Planetia players joined up with members scattered throughout a number of alliances over the previous few rounds to create a group designed to challenge the dominance of [[1up]]. In order to accomplish this goal eXi entered the round as part of a [[block]] consisting of themselves, [[LCH]] and a returning [[ToT]]. On the other side 1up continued to work with [[ND]], carrying on from [[Round 12]], and picked up [[SiN]] as allies as well.

-The process of accepting / rejecting new members has been redesigned for better communication etc.  
Within the first few days of the round it was readily apparent that eXi, with a very high average score and roid rank, were capable of achieving the goals that they had set themselves pre-round. Similarly to 1up in the previous round their alliance was well under the tag limit, numbering only some 60-70 planets throughout the round. Initially [[Wolfpack]], having rebuilt between rounds and added the [[hydra]] [[BG]] to the alliance, and their nearly full tag took the lead but the real war was between the 1up and eXi blocks. Both alliances hovered around the bottom of the top five alliances and hammered each other almost relentlessly for the first 5-600 ticks of the round.  

-The Members page now lists more data for all members, and the members can be sorted
Racial choice played a large part in the direction of this round. Many players, 1up in particular, had gone for the race picked by most of the top planets in the previous round, [[Cathaar]]. Unfortunately for them Cath was distinctly underpowered this round. The [[Zikonian]] race, newly changed back from [[subversion]] to [[stealing]], was extremely powerful, mainly thanks to the [[value]] gains from stealing, as well as improving the ability to [[Intermediate_Tactics#Tactic:_Disguised_Fleet_Attack_.28aka_Fake_Attack.29|fake]] with the possibility of Ziks having more than two classes of [[Ship_Type#Astropod|pods]]. 1up, having recruited back up closer to the tag limit suffered perhaps from a certain level of hubris after the alliance's back-to-back #1s, and certainly took on board some members who thought the round would be a cake-walk to victory.

-Pre-paid credits are added when a planet is activated rather than with regular script running.
Nonetheless this was still the much vaunted 1up military machine and the damage it caused to the eX block, and vice versa, in the early part of the round was immense. Continuous hostiles would fly 24/7, although sometimes to little avail as in-galaxy defence diluted the efficiency of targeting. [[Angels]], continuing to play as a full alliance after their high average scores and roids in round 12, agreed a [[NAP]] with eXi and joined their block. Upon hearing of this the 1up block, after Angels had hit 1up, targeted Angels intensively for one night, leading to a massive 20% roid loss across the alliance. The blocks expanded somewhat, with [[ToF]] joining in on 1up's side, and [[Veneratio]] on occasion. Roids were swapped back and forth, with different alliances suffering losses on both sides of the block from night to night. Eventually though eXilition's superior activity and dedication, and the quality of their block, led to them pulling ahead of 1up, moving closer behind Wolfpack.

-Scans are now deleted after 24 hours
At this point Wolfpack, who had largely avoided major incoming so far in the round (some four weeks in), came under pressure for the first time. They worked with [[Howling Rain]] but had largely held the #1 rank as a result of the 1up/eX war. The hydra BG, who made up a large chunk of WP's score and roids, knew many of the eX core well, and had agreed on [[pNAP]]s between them for the round. As always this lack of member control proved costly. Wolfpack attempted to fight eX and their block, beginning co-operation with 1up et al but eX/ToT/LCH tore through them and Wolfpack lost large numbers of roids. The block struck back as well, and the fifth week of the round saw eX also being roided, a -13% night being particularly damaging. eX were simply better able to keep their fleets growing and flying though. Roids swung back and forth over the next two weeks with the roid lead being swapped back and forth being eX and WP, and Angels actually rising ahead of both of them during this time. ND and SiN also merged, slightly over a week after eX began targeting WP, into SINND, taking third place in the alliance rankings and looking threatening behind the two leaders.

-Various Code Optimisations
Eventually, as Wolfpack were ground down, eX turned their attention back to 1up. The roid lead eX had built led to their fleets becoming significantly larger than 1up's and in one night the eX block took nearly 20% of 1up's roids, breaking the back of much of the genuine resistance that was left in the universe. eX's roid growth took off following this, swiftly passing Wolfpack's roid lead. This was aided, in no small part, by a member of the hydra BG and Wolfpack's biggest planet, [[Keizari]], leaving Wolfpack in order to join Angels. eX were now firmly in the ascendancy and reclaimed the roid lead from Angels as they gained 50000 roids in the space of 10 days. The hydra BG left Wolfpack at this point, with much of the group going on to join Angels. eXilition, responding to a unwitting NAP violation, devastated [[rain]]'s planet as he was moving from WP to Angels. Regardless eX ran away with the round from here on, taking a hard-fought and much deserved victory from the round. Angels, boosted by the addition of hydra, finished #2. More controversially [[NoS]], who had [[NAP]]ed both major blocks throughout the war, finished in third place. The winning planet of the round was the aforementioned Keizari, who as a Zik benefited from battles such as the one below, and the #1 gal was 1.2, who finished with a comfortable roid and score lead over the #2 galaxy.

More information will come in the next few weeks
The below contenders graphs were taken on the 5th of June, 3 days before the round ended.

==Galaxy solution for round 13==
====[[#1 alliance contenders for Round 13|#1 alliance contenders]]====
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==== [[Round 13 #1 planet contenders|#1 planet contenders]] ====
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*'''By''': [[Kal]]
==== [[Round 13 #1 galaxy contenders|#1 galaxy contenders]] ====
Over a course of several meetings we in Pa Team have produced a proposal for round 13 galaxies. So here it is, discuss it criticise it, find problems in it. Kloopy will decide when the irc based Discussion Time on this will take place later today.
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Signups open with 20 gals with a mentor in each
Signups are allocated to one of those mentor gals until tick 36

Once upgraded people can make buddy packs with upto 3 people on preferences screen - this works by adding a code to your planet which the shuffler will then use to move you and your friends together into one galaxy with other packs and randoms.
Round13's top planets were not decided alone on their aggressiveness, activity and cunning, but also in their ability to reap huge rewards by stealing ships. One of the battles that kept Keizari and figar on their toes was the attack on [[Round_13:battles|15:8:11]], which boosted them both ~4M in score. Being on the defensive in the final lemming runs was crucial for securing a top planet.

In tick 36, the shuffle creates as many gals as possible with packs totalling 6 people (2 packs of 3, or 3 packs of 2)
=== Lokken's R13 Logbook ===
Paid randoms are shuffled first (including packs of 1 person).

Free randoms are then distributed among those 6-person pack gals based on score - this means that the better free randoms are put into gals first and spread evenly across the universe with the less good ones being added in later. So all galaxies have an equal chance of getting good free players.
Lokken kept a 'diary' of R13, which can be read in [[Round_13:Lokkens Logbook]].

After the shuffle there will be lots of gals each with 6 people from packs and randoms givgin each galaxy approximatly 10 planets.
==Final Rankings==
No more galaxies are ever created

When a galaxy exiles a planet they will be sent to c200+ like in this round.
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Signups and exiles (returning form c200+) are distributed through these gals with no gal-size limit, placing them into a gal in the bottom 20% by planet count. So this means that the galaxies with the most players get the lowest possibly priority on new players.
===Top 100 Planets===

[[Round_13:Planet_Ranks|Final Planet Rankings]]

Mentor – community volunteer / pa representative who will help people out where possible - normal players are shuffled as normal, PaTeam members moved to 1:1 etc
===Top 20 Alliances===

[[Round 13 Top 20 Alliances|Final Alliance Rankings]]
[[Round 13:Ship Stats]]

More to come

==Name Selection==
===Top Galaxy===
The name was chosen by public vote from a shortlist compiled by [[PAteam]] and support, mods and #planetarion ops staff from the names submitted by users.
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*'''By''': [[A2]]
Despite there not being much information about Round 13 yet released, it is going to happen! As such we need a name, and therefore we will be running the customary name competition.
Here's how it works<br>
If you can think of a good name for Round 13 then all you need to do is e-mail it to [email protected] with the subject line "R13 name comp". Don't forget to include your nickname so we know who's submitted it.<br>
You can submit as many names as you want to, but the deadline is 23:59 GMT on Sunday 16th January.
The winner will not only get to see their name being used throughout the round, but will also recieve a free credit for the round. In the event of the winning name being submitted more than once, the first person to submit it will recieve the credit.
To inspire you here are the names of the previous rounds of Planetarion:
[[Round 1]] - The Beginning<br>
[[Round 2]] - The Struggle for Power<br>
[[Round 3]] - The New Dawn<br>
[[Round 4]] - The Tides of War<br>
[[Round 5]] - The Price of Freedom<br>
[[Round 6]] - First Encounters<br>
[[Round 7]] - Critical Diplomacy<br>
[[Round 8]] - Final Legacy<br>
[[Round 9]] - Redemption<br>
[[Round 10]] - Genesis<br>
[[Round 11]] - A Legend Reborn<br>
[[Round 12]] - The Edge of Darkness<br>
- A2
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*'''By''': [[A2]]
Round 13 needs a name!
You now have a chance to choose the name you'd like it to have on a poll on the Planetarion Discussions (PD) forum. Please visit this thread in order to vote.
The person who first submitted the winning name will win a free credit for Round 13 (as well as bragging rights)
The shortlist is:
Ships in the Night<br>
Moonlight on the Sea of War<br>
The Fight for Survival<br>
The Gathering of Power<br>
The Illusion of Truth<br>
The New Dominion<br>
The Phoenix Wars<br>
The Rejection of Mercy<br>
The winning name was submitted by Vargon.  The vote was held at
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*'''By''': [[A2]]
Congratulations to Vargon for creating the name which was selected from the shortlist by the public vote. When asked what his inspiration was he said:<br>
Yes, The Illusion of Truth is an ironic title.<br>
Its my take on politics, and to some degree how similiar it is to R5 thru R8 politics. I was on the darkside then and learned how to hide in the early part of a round. For me, I see these 'new' names joining alliances and I can't help but think, Who are they really?<br>
So, the truth is out there. Can we determine the truth? Or will certain alliances "pull the wool" over our eyes again, and run away with it?<br>
Let us all endeavor to break through the illusions, and find the truth. For the betterment of our own alliances and a more balanced round.
For his efforts Vargon wins a free credit for Round 13. Once again thankyou to everyone who submitted a name and who voted.
==Round Demographics (5th June)==
[[media:|#1 Alliance Contenders (5th June)]]
[[media:|#1 Planet Contenders (5th June)]]
[[media:|#1 Galaxy Contenders (5th June)]]
Attack on 15:8:11 (insert backgr story here and move to a proper location later):
<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center>
<tr><td valign=top class=left><br>
<table width=625 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<tr><td width=625 colspan=3>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td width=20 background=images/template8/table_left.jpg></td><td width=585>
<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0><tr><td class=left valign=top>Type: Combat</td><td class=left valign=top>Tick: 1615</td></tr><tr><td class=left colspan=2><table width=500>
<tr><th class=center colspan=9>Combat report for combat at of (15:8:11)</th></tr>
<tr><th>  </th><th colspan=4 class=left>Attacking fleets: 71</th><th colspan=4 class=left>Defending fleets: 20</th></tr>
<tr><th class=left>SHIP</th><th >Att</th><th >Lost</th><th>Held</th><th>Stolen</th><th >Def</th><th >Lost</th><th >Held</th><th>Stolen</th></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Harpy</td><td>1519 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 301 </td><td> 825 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Phoenix</td><td>12337 </td><td> 525 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 5440 </td><td> 17311 </td><td> 322 </td><td> 315 </td><td> 121</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Gryphon</td><td>2484 </td><td> 937 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 1547 </td><td> 377 </td><td> 27 </td><td> 20 </td><td> 13</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Drake</td><td>5603 </td><td> 1961 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 3642 </td><td> 7114 </td><td> 490 </td><td> 364 </td><td> 236</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Pegasus</td><td>4408 </td><td> 1120 </td><td> 241 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Chimera</td><td>3847 </td><td> 898 </td><td> 192 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Syren</td><td>801 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 5 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Wyvern</td><td>2168 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 1 </td><td> 1 </td><td> 1 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Dragon</td><td>2217 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Demeter</td><td>806 </td><td> 219 </td><td> 47 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Leviathan</td><td>820 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Behemoth</td><td>154 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Spider</td><td>8107 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 2416 </td><td> 6610 </td><td> 665 </td><td> 665 </td><td> 665 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Beetle</td><td>53572 </td><td> 9328 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 44244 </td><td> 96122 </td><td> 7243 </td><td> 7165 </td><td> 2591</td></tr>

<tr><td class=left>Viper</td><td>4822 </td><td> 3960 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 862 </td><td> 5012 </td><td> 926 </td><td> 713 </td><td> 405</td></tr>
*[[Grim]]      1:2:1
*[[Mistwraith]] 1:2:2
<tr><td class=left>Black Widow</td><td>6838 </td><td> 4528 </td><td> 1073 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
*[[Tyroka]]    1:2:3
*[[SeqZ]]      1:2:4
<tr><td class=left>Scarab</td><td>3633 </td><td> 2277 </td><td> 534 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 500 </td><td> 500 </td><td> 500 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
*[HR][[Chaos]] 1:2:5
*[[BGLame]]    1:2:6
<tr><td class=left>Tarantula</td><td>3167 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 42 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
*[[Dauthi]]    1:2:7
*{eZZa}    1:2:8
<tr><td class=left>Roach</td><td>5449 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 96 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
*[[TumNarDok]]  1:2:9
*[[Arbac]]      1:2:10
<tr><td class=left>Scorpion</td><td>3385 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 53 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 2 </td><td> 2 </td><td> 2 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
*[[Shockey]]    1:2:11
*[[cbk]]        1:2:12
<tr><td class=left>Guardian</td><td>746 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
*[[mazzelaar]]  1:2:13
*[[Pooley]]    1:2:14
<tr><td class=left>Mosquito</td><td>7904 </td><td> 658 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 6529 </td><td> 999 </td><td> 34 </td><td> 35 </td><td> 13</td></tr>
*[[Tis]]        1:2:15
*[[YaegeR]]    1:2:16
<tr><td class=left>Hornet</td><td>1185 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 16 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
*[[Haer]]      1:2:17
*[[Rasta]]      1:2:18
<tr><td class=left>Termite</td><td>304 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 8 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 1 </td><td> 1 </td><td> 1 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
*[[Artur]]      1:2:19
*[[Pattyy]]    1:2:20
<tr><td class=left>Vsharrak Fighter</td><td>175118 </td><td> 6 </td><td> 130522 </td><td> 175112 </td><td> 2000 </td><td> 2000 </td><td> 2000 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
*[[Ziw]]        1:2:21
*[[august]]    1:2:22
<tr><td class=left>Daeraith Pulsar</td><td>66562 </td><td> 2 </td><td> 39689 </td><td> 66560 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Lyvidian Sentinel</td><td>72274 </td><td> 1 </td><td> 35912 </td><td> 72273 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Kthal Fireblade</td><td>17952 </td><td> 4912 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 13040 </td><td> 146852 </td><td> 17154 </td><td> 17203 </td><td> 5941</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Culdassa Arrowhead</td><td>27933 </td><td> 3566 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 24367 </td><td> 132973 </td><td> 7395 </td><td> 7269 </td><td> 2684</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Tzen Bolt Thrower</td><td>12412 </td><td> 12412 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 2 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Andvordian Bomber</td><td>20848 </td><td> 20205 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 643 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Hysperian Lancer</td><td>2080 </td><td> 1122 </td><td> 257 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Xentrallis Peacekeeper</td><td>1208 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 26 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 3 </td><td> 3 </td><td> 3 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Dagger</td><td>31360 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 9349 </td><td> 25572 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Sabre</td><td>2678 </td><td> 1768 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 910 </td><td> 1 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Voracean Predator</td><td>30087 </td><td> 1 </td><td> 29900 </td><td> 30086 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Assassin</td><td>18562 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 7905 </td><td> 18562 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Corsair</td><td>47785 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 14246 </td><td> 38965 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Cutlass</td><td>50365 </td><td> 4385 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 43314 </td><td> 398080 </td><td> 15181 </td><td> 14838 </td><td> 5581</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Cutter</td><td>3468 </td><td> 2760 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 708 </td><td> 5965 </td><td> 1058 </td><td> 812 </td><td> 466</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Buccaneer</td><td>10070 </td><td> 5726 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 4344 </td><td> 72045 </td><td> 8527 </td><td> 6405 </td><td> 3938</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Thief</td><td>19967 </td><td> 10386 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 9581 </td><td> 59998 </td><td> 6415 </td><td> 4801 </td><td> 2989</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Clipper</td><td>1794 </td><td> 730 </td><td> 162 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Marauder</td><td>2656 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 39 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Pirate</td><td>4735 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Privateer</td><td>5459 </td><td> 580 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 4879 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Ironclad</td><td>1500 </td><td> 641 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 859 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Galleon</td><td>830 </td><td> 660 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 170 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0 </td><td> 0</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Totals</td><td>763979</td><td>96274</td><td>273031</td><td>599644</td><td>946023</td><td>67944</td><td>63112</td><td>24978</td></tr>
<tr><td class=left>Values</td><td>46036051</td><td >10571497</td><td >4134951</td><td>14740369</td><td>50043829</td><td>4179471</td><td>3534472</td><td>1708949</td></tr>
<table width=500>
<tr><th class=center colspan=4>Report of Captured asteroids at of (15:8:11)</th></tr>
<tr><th class=left> &nbsp; </th><th>Metal</th><th>Crystal</th><th>Eonium</th></tr>
<tr><th class=left>Original</th><td>2781</td><td>2798</td><td>2761</td></tr>
<tr><th class=left>Lost</th><td>424</td><td>424</td><td>424</td></tr>
<table width=500>
<tr><th class=left colspan=2>Surface attack result at of (15:8:11)</th></tr>
<tr><td width=50% class=left>Light Factory : </td><td class=left>1 </td></tr>
<tr><td width=50% class=left>Medium Factory : </td><td class=left>1 </td></tr>
<tr><td width=50% class=left>Heavy Factory : </td><td class=left>1 </td></tr>
<tr><td width=50% class=left>Eonium Refinery : </td><td class=left>5 </td></tr>
<tr><td width=50% class=left>Research Laboratory : </td><td class=left>1 </td></tr>
<tr><td width=50% class=left>Finance Centre : </td><td class=left>6 </td></tr>
<tr><td width=50% class=left>Security Centre : </td><td class=left>3 </td></tr>
<tr><td width=50% class=left>Wave Amplifier : </td><td class=left>2 </td></tr>
<tr><td width=50% class=left>Wave Distorter : </td><td class=left>4 </td></tr>
</td><td width=20 background=images/template8/table_right.jpg></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=3>&nbsp;</td></tr>
==Final Rankings==
[[media:|R13 Final Rankings as seen on Sandmans]]
===Top Galaxy===
[[Grim]]      1:2:1
[[Mistwraith]] 1:2:2
[[Tyroka]]    1:2:3
[[SeqZ]]      1:2:4
[HR]Chaos  1:2:5
[[BGLame]]    1:2:6
[[Dauthi]]    1:2:7
{eZZa}    1:2:8
[[TumNarDok]]  1:2:9
[[Arbac]]      1:2:10
[[Shockey]]    1:2:11
[[cbk]]        1:2:12
[[mazzelaar]]  1:2:13
[[Pooley]]    1:2:14
[[Tis]]        1:2:15
[[YaegeR]]    1:2:16
[[Haer]]      1:2:17
[[Rasta]]      1:2:18
[[Artur]]      1:2:19
[[Pattyy]]    1:2:20
[[Ziw]]        1:2:21
[[august]]    1:2:22

===Top Planet===
Great article but it didn't have everytinhg-I didn't find the kitchen sink!
[[Keizari]]    7:1:13

===Top Alliance===
==See Also==

===Longest [[Golden Roid]] Hold Time===
* [[:Category:Alliances:Round_14|Alliances in R14]]
(construction roid 1125 ticks)
[[Syrun]]      12:1:13

* A log of the end of round [[Round_13:Winner_Ceremony_Round_13|Winner's Ceremony]].

==Havoc Period==
* The round's [[Round 13:Ship Stats|ship stats]] were made by [[Jester]]
===Stage 1 - Normal Havoc===
===Stage 2 - CTF Havoc===
CTF = Capture The Flag<br>
This round PAteam have created a brand new havoc for everyone<br>
With the use of the new Special Roids implemented this round, there are now CTF roids.<br>
Each galaxy has there own flag and it is held by a certain player in the galaxy, to steal the flag you must attack the player with pods and there is a chance you'll steal it.<br>
The galaxy with the most points at the end of the round is the winner.<br>
Points are:<br>
5 points for having your galaxy flag in your galaxy<br>
1 point for having any other galaxy's flag in your galaxy<br>
Here is the post made by Kloopy in the PA Forum.<br>
<tr><td bgcolor="lightblue" style="padding-right:10px;">
*'''By''': [[Kloopy]]
<b>Capture the Flag F.A.Q.<br></b>
<b>How does the points system work?<br></b>
At any point in time, your galaxy CTF points are calculated as follows:<br>
1 point for any flags in your gal.<br>
5 points if your gal contains your OWN flag asteroid.<br>
<b>What happens when my flag is stolen?<br></b>
You lose points when flags are stolen from your galaxy. There are no points for just holding these flag asteroids.<br>
<b>Surely galaxies should get score for holding the asteroids to avoid a rush at the end?<br></b>
You may well find stocking up on Flag Roids during CTF is a good tactic. You don't know for sure how much competition there will be at the end of the round. And if everyone rushes your galaxy for your flags in the last day, the more you have the more chance you've got of having some left over.<br>
<b>Why are there no planet, normal galaxy or alliance rankings?<br></b>
As stated above, this game is all about the flag roids your galaxy is able to grab! The score ranking of planets, galaxies and alliances matters not one bit for CTF, therefore they are not displayed.<br>
<b>How do I capture a Flag Roid?<br></b>
You capture flag roids just like normal asteroids. When you roid a planet that has a flag, one specific roid of theirs will be the flag. Thus, if you gain the full 25% cap, there is a 25% chance that one of the capped roids will be the flag. <br>
<b>What if there are multiple attackers landing on the same tick?<br></b>
If the attackers have a combined total of 25% cap, then there is a 25% chance the flag is capped. If this is the case, it is given to one of the attacking fleets based on a percentage chance equivalent to the number of asteroids that fleet capped. So if one fleet caps 100 roids and another caps 200, the second fleet has twice as much chance of getting the flag.<br>
<b>What if two galaxies have the same number of flags?<br></b>
If more than 1 galaxy has the same number of CTF points, their rank is determined by the total score of all the galaxies planets.<br>
<b>How do I see where my galaxy's Flag Roid is?<br></b>
If you go to the Universe page, and click on to "Misc", you will see a list of all the Flag Roids. You can find where your galaxy's flag is by checking the coordinates next to it.<br>
<b>Can I track the history of my galaxy's Flag Roid?<br></b>
Yes, by clicking on your roid in the Universe Misc page, you get to see the entire history of the flag. You can see who owned it and for how long.<br>
<b>Can Flag Roids be destroyed by Covert Operations?<br></b>
No, it is not possible to destroy the Flag Roids. If it was possible, we would end up with them all destroyed and the game would not work.<br>
<b>What happens if my galmate who owns a Flag Roid exiles?<br></b>
If a planet owns Flag Roids and is exiled (either self-exile or GC exile) the flags follow them into their new galaxy.<br>
<b>Is it possible to move a flag from one planet to another within my galaxy?<br></b>
No, this is not allowed. If a planet had incomings or an attack was planned on the planet, then it wouldn't be fair to the attackers if the flag was moved.<br>
<b>Can I re-create/re-join alliances for Capture the Flag?<br></b>
Yes, alliances work as they did during the main round. However, there is no bonus for alliances holding many flags at all. And by joining an alliance, you cut out a number of possible attack targets who may have flags at some point. CTF is all about galaxies, not alliances.<br>
<b>Why are my fleets launching at odd times? Why is my value higher than my score?<br></b>
The load on the server is very high during combat. Because of this the ticker runs very slowly. It is currently taking about 10 minutes to complete an entire tick. Whilst the ticker is running, scores can be displayed incorrectly and the ETA you expect and the ETA shown on fleets may not match. Be assured though, that when the tick finished after 10 minutes, all the data is correct.<br>
<b>Do I have to be my galaxy's flag carrier in order to steal a flag?<br></b>
No, anyone can capture Flag Roids. And you can theoretically own all of them at once, if you were lucky enough to capture and hold them all.<br>

Latest revision as of 12:00, 1 May 2012


Dates and Times

Tick start 30th March 21:00 GMT.
Shuffle 1st April 09:00 GMT.

The round ended on the 8th of June 2005 with the last tick at 21:00 GMT as planned. Havoc began on the 9th of June, and 'Capture the Flag' havoc began on the 10th.

Round Details

Changes From R12

Here is a list of changes since R12.


Various announcements posted by Kal.

Round Summary

Round 13 marked the arrival of the second true powerhouse alliance of the PAX era, eXilition. A group of ex-Planetia players joined up with members scattered throughout a number of alliances over the previous few rounds to create a group designed to challenge the dominance of 1up. In order to accomplish this goal eXi entered the round as part of a block consisting of themselves, LCH and a returning ToT. On the other side 1up continued to work with ND, carrying on from Round 12, and picked up SiN as allies as well.

Within the first few days of the round it was readily apparent that eXi, with a very high average score and roid rank, were capable of achieving the goals that they had set themselves pre-round. Similarly to 1up in the previous round their alliance was well under the tag limit, numbering only some 60-70 planets throughout the round. Initially Wolfpack, having rebuilt between rounds and added the hydra BG to the alliance, and their nearly full tag took the lead but the real war was between the 1up and eXi blocks. Both alliances hovered around the bottom of the top five alliances and hammered each other almost relentlessly for the first 5-600 ticks of the round.

Racial choice played a large part in the direction of this round. Many players, 1up in particular, had gone for the race picked by most of the top planets in the previous round, Cathaar. Unfortunately for them Cath was distinctly underpowered this round. The Zikonian race, newly changed back from subversion to stealing, was extremely powerful, mainly thanks to the value gains from stealing, as well as improving the ability to fake with the possibility of Ziks having more than two classes of pods. 1up, having recruited back up closer to the tag limit suffered perhaps from a certain level of hubris after the alliance's back-to-back #1s, and certainly took on board some members who thought the round would be a cake-walk to victory.

Nonetheless this was still the much vaunted 1up military machine and the damage it caused to the eX block, and vice versa, in the early part of the round was immense. Continuous hostiles would fly 24/7, although sometimes to little avail as in-galaxy defence diluted the efficiency of targeting. Angels, continuing to play as a full alliance after their high average scores and roids in round 12, agreed a NAP with eXi and joined their block. Upon hearing of this the 1up block, after Angels had hit 1up, targeted Angels intensively for one night, leading to a massive 20% roid loss across the alliance. The blocks expanded somewhat, with ToF joining in on 1up's side, and Veneratio on occasion. Roids were swapped back and forth, with different alliances suffering losses on both sides of the block from night to night. Eventually though eXilition's superior activity and dedication, and the quality of their block, led to them pulling ahead of 1up, moving closer behind Wolfpack.

At this point Wolfpack, who had largely avoided major incoming so far in the round (some four weeks in), came under pressure for the first time. They worked with Howling Rain but had largely held the #1 rank as a result of the 1up/eX war. The hydra BG, who made up a large chunk of WP's score and roids, knew many of the eX core well, and had agreed on pNAPs between them for the round. As always this lack of member control proved costly. Wolfpack attempted to fight eX and their block, beginning co-operation with 1up et al but eX/ToT/LCH tore through them and Wolfpack lost large numbers of roids. The block struck back as well, and the fifth week of the round saw eX also being roided, a -13% night being particularly damaging. eX were simply better able to keep their fleets growing and flying though. Roids swung back and forth over the next two weeks with the roid lead being swapped back and forth being eX and WP, and Angels actually rising ahead of both of them during this time. ND and SiN also merged, slightly over a week after eX began targeting WP, into SINND, taking third place in the alliance rankings and looking threatening behind the two leaders.

Eventually, as Wolfpack were ground down, eX turned their attention back to 1up. The roid lead eX had built led to their fleets becoming significantly larger than 1up's and in one night the eX block took nearly 20% of 1up's roids, breaking the back of much of the genuine resistance that was left in the universe. eX's roid growth took off following this, swiftly passing Wolfpack's roid lead. This was aided, in no small part, by a member of the hydra BG and Wolfpack's biggest planet, Keizari, leaving Wolfpack in order to join Angels. eX were now firmly in the ascendancy and reclaimed the roid lead from Angels as they gained 50000 roids in the space of 10 days. The hydra BG left Wolfpack at this point, with much of the group going on to join Angels. eXilition, responding to a unwitting NAP violation, devastated rain's planet as he was moving from WP to Angels. Regardless eX ran away with the round from here on, taking a hard-fought and much deserved victory from the round. Angels, boosted by the addition of hydra, finished #2. More controversially NoS, who had NAPed both major blocks throughout the war, finished in third place. The winning planet of the round was the aforementioned Keizari, who as a Zik benefited from battles such as the one below, and the #1 gal was 1.2, who finished with a comfortable roid and score lead over the #2 galaxy.


The below contenders graphs were taken on the 5th of June, 3 days before the round ended.

#1 alliance contenders


#1 planet contenders


#1 galaxy contenders



Round13's top planets were not decided alone on their aggressiveness, activity and cunning, but also in their ability to reap huge rewards by stealing ships. One of the battles that kept Keizari and figar on their toes was the attack on 15:8:11, which boosted them both ~4M in score. Being on the defensive in the final lemming runs was crucial for securing a top planet.

Lokken's R13 Logbook

Lokken kept a 'diary' of R13, which can be read in Round_13:Lokkens Logbook.

Final Rankings


Top 100 Planets

Final Planet Rankings

Top 20 Alliances

Final Alliance Rankings

Top Galaxy

Great article but it didn't have everytinhg-I didn't find the kitchen sink!

See Also