Hidden Agenda: Difference between revisions

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(83 intermediate revisions by 34 users not shown)
Line 7: Line 7:
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== Description ==
Hidden Agenda is a alliance that focuses on new and returning players. They consider themselves a training alliance and are open to both paid and unpaid planets.
They employ a set of private tools including a bot accessible through both IRC and a private website. The bot handles defense calls and scan requests and has a couple of other functions including some with pure comic value.

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Hidden Agenda has been playing uninterrupted since it was founded halfway into round 12.

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== Neutrality ==
Hidden Agenda tries to maintain a sense of neutrality. They usually evade affiliations with top 10 alliances and prefer not to be dragged into wars. An affiliation with TGV in Round 22 is the only known exception. Affiliations and even mergers with minor alliances are more frequent.

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== High Command ==
The most well know [[High Command]] members in Hidden Agenda's history are:
* wwtoo
* [[SpacedMonkey]]
* vuLgAr
* Gabriel
* Max_A_Buck
* PK
* [[LordAlderaan]]
* Selmac
* Mitch
== Drama ==
Hidden Agenda has a low amount of drama. One of the few internal issues (that became public) is the drop to 13th from 10th place on the final day of round 23[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=195554]. ''Hidden Agenda still landed attacks later on the day and ended the round 12th.[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?p=3128892#post3128892]''
== Ranking ==
Despite 'laid-back' attitude, HA had always been placed fairly highly amongst the midranked (''top 15'') alliances. But recently they have been performing better ending 10th in [[Round 24]], 9th in [[Round 25]] and 10th again in [[Round 26]]. they achived a respectable 8th place in [[Round 27]] In rounds 29 and 30 they dropped to 11th. In round 31 they started at a bleak 14th but surged to an amazing finish of 6th picking up 20 million score in the last few days
== Recruitment ==
'''Hidden Agenda''' caters to the casual [[Planetarion]] players, usually resulting in a recruitment thread with a comical undertone. For example one of the [http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=185217 earlier threads] stated:
''Can you not stay on your alliance's IRC channel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for one of the following reasons?''
* Work, for food
* A desire to see the sun, or breathe fresh air
* To see your children
* School
* Sleep
* Sex
''If you are a person who needs to engage in one or more of the activities listed here, then Hidden Agenda is an alliance for you.''
===List of Recruitment threads===
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=184213 Round 13]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=185217 Round 14]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=185217 Round 15]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=189388 Round 16]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=190447 Round 17]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=191430 Round 18]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=192521 Round 19]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=193636 Round 20]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=194200 Round 21]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=194715 Round 22]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=195269 Round 23]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=195652 Round 24]
*There was no recruitment thread for round 25.
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=196219 Round 26]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=196558 Round 27]
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=196815 Round 28]
[[Category:Alliances]][[Category:Alliances:Round 13]][[Category:Alliances:Round 14]][[Category:Alliances:Round 15]][[Category:Alliances:Round 16]][[Category:Alliances:Round 17]][[Category:Alliances:Round 18]][[Category:Alliances:Round 19]][[Category:Alliances:Round 20]][[Category:Alliances:Round 21]][[Category:Alliances:Round 22]][[Category:Alliances:Round 23]][[Category:Alliances:Round 24]][[Category:Alliances:Round 25]][[Category:Alliances:Round 26]][[Category:Alliances:Round 27]][[Category:Alliances:Round 28]]

Latest revision as of 18:58, 29 July 2022


Hidden Agenda is a alliance that focuses on new and returning players. They consider themselves a training alliance and are open to both paid and unpaid planets. They employ a set of private tools including a bot accessible through both IRC and a private website. The bot handles defense calls and scan requests and has a couple of other functions including some with pure comic value.

Hidden Agenda has been playing uninterrupted since it was founded halfway into round 12.


Hidden Agenda tries to maintain a sense of neutrality. They usually evade affiliations with top 10 alliances and prefer not to be dragged into wars. An affiliation with TGV in Round 22 is the only known exception. Affiliations and even mergers with minor alliances are more frequent.

High Command

The most well know High Command members in Hidden Agenda's history are:


Hidden Agenda has a low amount of drama. One of the few internal issues (that became public) is the drop to 13th from 10th place on the final day of round 23[1]. Hidden Agenda still landed attacks later on the day and ended the round 12th.[2]


Despite 'laid-back' attitude, HA had always been placed fairly highly amongst the midranked (top 15) alliances. But recently they have been performing better ending 10th in Round 24, 9th in Round 25 and 10th again in Round 26. they achived a respectable 8th place in Round 27 In rounds 29 and 30 they dropped to 11th. In round 31 they started at a bleak 14th but surged to an amazing finish of 6th picking up 20 million score in the last few days


Hidden Agenda caters to the casual Planetarion players, usually resulting in a recruitment thread with a comical undertone. For example one of the earlier threads stated:

Can you not stay on your alliance's IRC channel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for one of the following reasons?

  • Work, for food
  • A desire to see the sun, or breathe fresh air
  • To see your children
  • School
  • Sleep
  • Sex

If you are a person who needs to engage in one or more of the activities listed here, then Hidden Agenda is an alliance for you.

List of Recruitment threads