Galaxy Fund

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The galaxy fund (or galfund) is a collection of resources for the benefit of a galaxy.

Adding resources

There are two ways in which resources can be put into the fund. One is voluntary donations by the planets in the galaxy. This can be done from the mining page. The other is when a planet self-exiles. The resources used in the process are added to the galaxy fund. This can be done from the preferences page.


Resources in the fund can be used as a buffer to trade a lower exchange rate of 5%. Eitraides does not need this advantage, they can trade on the open market for 5% as well, while other races trade at 10% or 25%. Trading takes place on the mining page.


The Minister of Development (MoD) can donate resources from the galaxy fund to planets who are below the average score in the galaxy, but to a maximum of 50 million resources every 200 ticks. The galaxy fund cannot hold more than 75 million resources. The galaxy fund can also be balanced on the open market at an exchange rate of 10%. The MoD can manage the galaxy fund from the politics page.